Jay Van- One of my closest friends, despite being on the other side of the state, dude I can't tell you how much I enjoy your company, plus we dragged together this weekend! @!#$ yes. Thank god your car wasn't there, if not I would have never brought 3rd place street home, in a sense I owe it to you.
Ryan- 1st place was so deserved, your car is amazing, and I was beyond happy to have you and your buddy in our room this year. I'll be looking forward to a copy of that video also.
Karo- Though you were supposed to be in Mexico, you know you @!#$ live for the bash....I love the '02, wished I could have taken it for a spin. You truly helped me have a good time, and I appreciate everything you've done for me, and well...the community. The standing ovation was something you truly deserved.
DTP/JNICKEL- Loved having conjoining rooms! Truly wish we could live like that, any duplexes around you guys
? You both are awesome and it was for sure a great time hanging out that night with Teske in the room. Sucks you had to leave before the last night, I felt like crying
Marc/ILLD9- What can I say? The accent was awesome, @!#$ I'm moving to Rhode Island. You and your girl were truly great people, enjoyed being around you both. The car was @!#$ AMAZING just as I had expected, once again, 1st place was VERY well deserved. JDM corners/fogs represent! Sorry we didn't get our photo op, all the more excuse to meet up again soon.
Todd Miller (T2)- Dude you're worse than me and holding your alchohol, for that I love you! Dude why didn't I meet you like 2 years ago, we had so much fun, and you got way too close to me when drunk. Not saying I didn't like it though
Anthony Jones- Awesome meeting you in person, had a good time randomly chatting, good to see the car in person, the work was flawless and it's easily one of my favorites. Amazing to see soo much custom CF flawlessly executed. Get those corners done now! Congrats on the trophy.
Matt Teske- @!#$ hilarious, who can't have a great time when around you? Thanks for hooking me and my woman up with some new gear, I'll be for sure ordering more from the website in the future
Ian Lacey- Thanks for calming me down on the first night, you did make me laugh, and I know that was a hard task, down with the wigger trying to hit on my girl! Being drunk didn't allow me to be nearly as calm as you were. Oh, and 3rd place street goes to me!
Thanks for giving my trophy back! Congrats on yours as well, also beyond deserved.
Brandon Fetter-
HOLY @!#$! Do you ever cease to amaze me? Trophy was well deserved, had you not won, I would have rioted just as I told you. Swear to god. Glad you finished a car and kept it! Now quick, sell it to me, for cheap!
SonicFireGT- Good seeing you again, and you were the only person to give me @!#$ about being a whore and selling everything! Amazingly. Haha.
Darkstars- Much more laid back than I had imagined, car looks just as sweet in person, glad I finally have met you, hope to get a little more time to chat next time though.
Cannon Fodder- Awesome meeting you, way cool guy, had a lot of fun chatting with you, and I can't wait for you to permaban Hypsy. Promises are promises. Which brings me to......
Hypsy- Had too much fun @!#$ with you while drunk, you can be an awesome guy, but sometimes your cocky as @!#$ and I hate it. Overall we had another great time, I'll put up with you next year if I have to
NJ's Honda Killa- Hope you accepted my apology, your car looks 10x better in person, flows way better than I had imagined. Guess you could say pics don't do it justice. Thanks for chilling over by us for a while Sat. night, too bad there wasn't much excitement, but what does that matter?
Wild Weasel/Kevin Winnepeg/John Lenko- Canadians rock! That is all. You guys are all soo much fun.
MI J's- I think we all make 50% of the bash, not being cocky, but holy @!#$ I couldn't walk anywhere without seeing an MI plate. Love all of you guys, and wish I could spend more time getting to know J-BOM as I never get a chance to. Good hanging out with you Jeremy/Chrissy a little more this year than previous years. Also had a blast going karting with a lot of you guys! Who cares if I came in last, that @!#$ was fun. Mitch your stock suspension scares me.
Local MI J's- You guys know how I feel about you, nothing but love. Sucks OG Nick is leaving us again. I'm going to cry. Good job bringing home some trophys for this side of the state!
Anybody I had forgotten! I apologize, I have a lot on my mind, trying to remember everything and everyone, and I'm sure I'll forget someone who is much more important to me than they think, so post!