BRENT DIXON... JBO beware.... - General Forum

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BRENT DIXON... JBO beware....
Sunday, February 05, 2006 7:31 PM
sold me an HO intake manifold and sent me an LO.. then told me he was only gunna refund part of my money becuase he wasn't losin money on the deal. now its not the 60 bucks i care about.. im pist cuz of false advertisement, poor business behvaior, and gettin treated like the whole situation was my fault...

here sum comments he had for me through his "business" emails..

"You want to threaten me than you dont get @!#$, how's that sound?
I am not going to lose shipping on this deal, I paid $14 for the manifold and $14.29 for shipping via UPS ground w/tracking

I offered a refund without cutting my own throat, take it or leave it. "

"its not that I dont even want to make up for my mistakes its the fact that you are a bitch and you talk to me with no respect that makes me not what to give you @!#$ except a kick in the @!#$in ass."

sum nice business ethics.. an as for me not talking with respect... you really pissed me off when u called me a bitch in the performance forum...

fuct off kid and no one, i repeat- no one ever do business with this kid.. hes a scumbag

an mods, lock this is u want.. i just want the members of JBO to be aware.. thanks an sorry for my ranting


boosted again...hehe

Re: BRENT DIXON... JBO beware....
Sunday, February 05, 2006 7:36 PM
I'm going to lock this, not because of anything you did, but because he's currently on vacation for various rules violations and is unable to defend himself. When he comes back, if you want this re-opened, send me a PM, but I don't think a week of bashing someone who is unable to denfend themselves would serve the interests you are seeking to advance.


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