First id just like to say how patient ive been..i ordered a motor from over a year ago..and since i had to make payments on this motor i didnt mind the wait...until now
next ill let you know i WIRED 460$ for 2day shipping THREE weeks ago ..finally got the motor..and now heres my review of the motor..if you want to know what i ordered please check my mod list on my profile
heres what i got
since the first thing i noticed was that it was MISSING a cam tower bolt i took one off my old engine and installed it(not that big huh) so then i decided to check the other bolts and found this..
yup thats right! STRIPPED! there goes the head
now..keep in mind this is suppose to be a 2.6L stroker...what why would he send it to me with a LO manifold??!!!!
absolutly useless!!!
so since the intake was crap i figured well big deal ill just use my OLD one and send him this one back with the when i go to take it off look what i found
in case you cant tell thats a stud too short to even put a nut on..and it CAME that way...(i wont say how many were like that)
so i finally get it i paid $350 for a famous TRS port and polish on this nice 086 head that i bought and sent to why is only THREE of the 4 intake ports ported??
well actually 3 were ported ONE was polished and one wasnt even touched...and we wont go into how crappy the exhasut ports look...i would probably had been better off with stock ports
heres the untouched port
then i remembered i also paid for NEW SS VALVES do these look even new to you??? many of you know for the 2.6 stroker the CPS has to be relocated ..well..he made a hole ill give him credit for that..he made a hole..covered it in what looks like JB weld and stuck a sensor in it and expected ME to secure it in the right place securly! what kind of buisness sends a customer a part he PAID for and expects THEM to know how to do a mod like that ??!! i hope you can make this out..this is the hole
so all in all im VERY unhappy..and were talking about over 5 grand worth of parts and labor here..not too mention all the parts i bought to prep the engine..starter,alternator,oil pan,power steering,brown tops,afpr.etc...
so i hope no one has to go thru what im going thru right now..if he surprises me and actually fixes all this ill apologize and take it all back..but the fact still remains..this is how i RECIEVED THIS !..
and no one can say its MY fault..i work a DEALERSHIP with master techs at my disposal! ..i got laughed at when they saw this......
wow, thats bad

98' Pontiac Sunfire SE
Damn and I really wanted that stroker become a reality. I hope they fix that @!#$.
They checked your prostate.
not couldn't have been...
I'm at a loss Scott. I just dont know what to say.
I guess I have to do the stroker on my own now. I'm glad I got the instructions on it.
I just hope I can find a machine shop as inexpensive as TRS could find.
Man, two major complaints about him in a month, from two different people, for two different items. I had hoped we had found a good source for parts. this makes me real sad.
forgot to mention...make sure you post this up on, that's his home forum, and where he can best address these problems. I think he should make it right, or refund your money.
Drop the pan and look for the 2.4 crank. If he relocate the Cps, he could have used a 87-88 crank witch are 0° compared to the 89+ that are 15°.
I didn't like the business I did with him for my cams. I paid for my cams and waited over a month. All I could get out of him was: " I ordered the cams" and that was it. He paid Comp Cams to get a set grind then THEY ship the cams to me, not Josh. Then one of them was broken so I sent him an email and never got an answer.
Also, he never really told me that I could use the stock springs with the W41 hot grind 2 cams. He seemed to want to sell me his springs/retainer and lock for 450$ witch I didn't bought since the stock springs are good up to .460" of lift.
You're telling me you paid over 5G for used parts and an engine build like that? You got totally screwed. I build my Ho with forged rods, pistons, a new set of W41 cams, new everything else except the block and crank and it cost me 3500$ CANADIAN!
I'm sure I can build a stroker cheaper than what he wants for his.
He's turning like Mantapart.
He got alot of business and end up overload but it's not a reason to give @!#$ty product.
If you need anything, ask me, I should have a spare part. IE Ho manifold.
2.3 Ho
sounds like a real winner to me
Im praying to god my engine doesnt come like this, im still waiting for him to get back to me with a price on shipping too.
At least take the banner out of your sig.
2.3 Ho
Jay wrote:They checked your prostate.
they went deeper than the prostate
and dam that had to hurt
just a hint though , get some better pics , it will help alot better with the visuals
Mfk-223 wrote:At least take the banner out of your sig.
Yea seriously.....promote his company after he gets these things fixed because that was a HUGE lose for Scott if TRS flakes and runs south (like Manta).
I think alot of these guys are getting over their head with these online shops of products they don't stock. It's like they promote things they don't have, insure fast shipping, promise top notch quality, and they aren't even actually doing most of the R&D work.........
I dunno.....
I'll just stick to my local SB chevy builders to continue helping me with my stuff. These other guys have gotten REALLY shady over the 5-6yrs I've been on JBO
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
thing is TRS is an actual shop, with cars and everything. I think he just got overloaded and panic set in. too bad, he could have been the "one" for the quad4 guys.
I'm not defending him, just trying to rationalize his actions. I hope he makes good.
Oh, and I think I might be able to build the stroker myself for around $2500 with machining and all the good stuff. like Gilles said.
Yea I've definately heard of this shop many times before for the good! Had it saved as a favorite for 2-3yrs now, but unless he can make his wrongs right.......ehh, I just can't be down with him.
He knowingly sent him that engine like it was. If Scott were to be some idiot ricer with some cash, he would've gotten the engine and just dropped her in thinking it would be fine. Something catasrophic happens while it's cranking over or ran for a couple hrs and who's to know who is actually at fault then?
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
what does trs have to say about the whole ordeal?
what a joke. this has to be the worst i seen in my 6-7 years involved with j bodies.
so you guys can see..i checked EVERYTHING on this motor to figure out just what all needed changed..and heres a pic of what was SUPPOSE to be my NEW SS valves..i took the head off and this is how it looked
now the block looked pretty sound..infact i couldnt find much wrong with it..the pistons,rods and crank were all what i ordered and in good condition..i dont know the numbers on the 2.4 crank but with piston #1 at TDC # 2 measured 3 3/4 " deep from the deck and i believe that to be a true 2.4 is what the block looked like when i broke it apart
pretty ross pistons
now..for those of you wondering how TRS has reacted to this ill let you know i HAVE talked to josh the owner and he is very well aware of how i feel about the matter
since he has been so busy lately he addmitted that the upper end was outsourced..a very bad decision that he says he wants to make for in any way possible
he has agreed to send me everything ive asked for to make up for the mistake and make this right
so hopefully youll see another post from me soon about how this got fixed but at this point all i need are valves and a good head..cus this one is junk..
the rest seems to be what i ordered and the motor will be reassembled as i had planed it.
Given TRS's inpecable reputation and the fact that i would rather have the motor that i ordered over the money i have accepted this chance for him to right what is wrong and hope it all turns out well....we will all know soon enough
I hope this all works out. I wanted Josh to assemble the bottom end of my motor.
99 Z24
Racers Edge
Johnny Mack Turbo Systems
Engineered Performance
The pistons are pretty normal
It's almost like they did the dish with a dremel.
2.3 Ho
I wanted Josh to assemble the bottom end of my motor.
the bottom end of the motor is pretty much was the rest that was complete crap!
and as far as the pistons they do look dremeled but they are very smooth
That's a piston you want to see in your quad. Gotta love 12:1 compression with W41 hot grind 2 cams (.430" and 224°)
2.3 Ho
believe me..thats what i WANTED to see in it

but with the longer stroke i had to use a dished piston to keep the compression within pump gas range