In my latest issue of Sport Compact Car someone sent in a letter suggesting the use of a Cavalier as a SCC project car. If there is enough interest they may actually do it. Bombard SCC with email suggesting A Cav. project car.

They want to use a CObalt SSSC, i think this could be a good step for the J-body community.

cobalts have no relation to the j-body community.
As Darkstars said a Cobalt is not a j-body. If they were to use a Cav or sunfire it would be good for our community but I doubt there would be enough interest in it.
would be nice. but their would not be enough intrest
It might kick them in the arse to know that there are north american cars that are worth tuning that don't have a Mitsubishi Engine in them.
yeah bombard them with e-mail supporting the idea. There are alot of cheap easily accesible cavaliers out there that can be modified. I know the Cobalt and Cavy are not related, i meant they were going to get a Chevy vehicle to modify but someone else suggested a J.

I was just about to post something on this very topic. I just picked up the newest issue, and they make it sound like if enough people write them, they'll do it. Lets see what they can do with our platform, and finally get some recognition for the J's.
Sean McCoy wrote:I was just about to post something on this very topic. I just picked up the newest issue, and they make it sound like if enough people write them, they'll do it. Lets see what they can do with our platform, and finally get some recognition for the J's.
Bob Mull's cav, EvilZ24, you know, the one that won Sport Compact Car of the year (or whatever title it was in the national circuit), and then was told that he could not attend (or at least win) any more shows because his car was so radical, winning so many shows... not enough recognition there?
I'd link his site, but they seem to be down at the moment... - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
Buy stuff from CarCustoms Ebay! Won't be disappointed!
They'll never do it... trust me, I tried.
Shifted wrote:Sean McCoy wrote:I was just about to post something on this very topic. I just picked up the newest issue, and they make it sound like if enough people write them, they'll do it. Lets see what they can do with our platform, and finally get some recognition for the J's.
Bob Mull's cav, EvilZ24, you know, the one that won Sport Compact Car of the year (or whatever title it was in the national circuit), and then was told that he could not attend (or at least win) any more shows because his car was so radical, winning so many shows... not enough recognition there?
I'd link his site, but they seem to be down at the moment...
To me there's a difference between car show recognition and performance recognition. SCC isn't exactly what you would call a show car magazine. Modified or Super Street, yes, but SCC is all about performance and real-world driving. I think the J's are sorely lacking recognition in that department.
Darkstars wrote:cobalts have no relation to the j-body community.
what? like hell they dont. just because they are delta bodies, doesnt mean they dont have relations. besides tons of other similarties one needent look any farther then the susspension. mainly the back end of. and dont you find it the least bit odd that one ended when the other began. yeah there not the same car, but to say that they have no relation is just silly.
also, I have been toying with the idea of what it would mean to see a j-body in the media. and after much debate......ummm with my self.
Ive come to the conclusion that Im not so sure it would.
heres why
Jbos have one thing, and in my opinion one thing only going for them. the sleepper affect. I drive my cav for the sole reason that nobody, ever sees it coming. If we were to get media coverage it would pretty much end our element of surprise for anyone who read that article. frankly Im quite happy with the lack of attetion we get. and hope that it never happens.
by the way if they did the would have to use john pips car. that thing is sweet
boobs now with Riboflabin"

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.
^^^ that's true with the j-bodies being sleepers because i get cars wanting to test me and i haven't done much to the thing on the outside. we come up on people and people around us want to move over next to us at a light because they think that our takeoff is slow. i get it all the time. and i love the older people around here going with that look on their face like "That little cavalier is fast ain't it???", it's priceless! as much as magazines are great to read and we all want to see a j in one, it's a line of cars that GM doesn't make anymore and we are better off without people knowing who we are for the moment. lol, my .02...
5 seconds to find another street...
Eh either way, i picked up the article and sent them an email, I didnt bombard them w/ emails but i did explain why I think they should. either way...
Heres a scan of the Mag. I dont remeber the email addy off the top of my head but i am emailing them for sure...
I dont see a point in them using a j-body....... personally no one would care since its a dead platform..... yea it would help but then prices for us would go higher cause demand.... only thing I would like to see is SCC take speed racer z car and split the price of the parts he needs to finish his turbo kit and them do a write up on his car as they boost it. If they use a cavalier You already know what there going to use as far as it comes with starting car. 02-05 with a ecotec.... put some rods and pistons in it and use probably a hahn turbo kit nothin super cool about that cause theres probably a dozen or more people on here that have already accomplished that
The dead platform excuse is nothing, there are a lot of project cars that are done that are dead....any 240, the 2.0 wrx's, they're SRT-4s. The fact that the Jbody is a dead platform means nothing, if they use and ecotec then its a motor they are using, not what the car looks like.
yea but what keeps them cars alive is the massive after market support that a cavalier lacks........ the only thing I can see that would be a good out come for the cavaliers would be a slight increase in aftermarket support but like i said most likely they aint going to use a 2.4 or a 2.2 ohv...... there going to use a ecotec cause that motor has a reputation behind it..... nothing wrong with that but I just rather see support for the other guys cause us eco guys are spoiled
I think we all need to rally and request an ecotec powered jbody to be featured as a project car at SCC
jbody, unite!
I wrote that letter a few months ago, is that this month's issue?
Yall know DaFlyinSkwirl (PJ) - wrote that dont you...
I think if they do, do a build up of an eco j. The prices on eco j's may go up but shouldnt perofmance part prices go down do to the supply going out? I will send in my letter soon enough. They should do it, I belive its a more practical idea than an ss/sc cobalt.
04 Cavalier LS Sport- Red with factory silver stripes.
16.186 @ 86.98mph
Matt Teske wrote:They'll never do it... trust me, I tried.
if anyone would know....
end of discussion for me..
Garbage idea.
They're not even happy with a Scion tC, why the hell would they want to tinker with a j-body?