Aight goes.
I was watching a whole bunch of Pinks episodes last night that my girlfriend TiVo'd for me and I got to thinking. I've only seen like 3 4 cylinders on that show since it came around. Those of you who know me know that my next thought was to try and get my ass on that show. My problem is have to have a car with a free title and the bank still owns part of mine.
I have sent them an email asking if they'd entertain the thought of having another 4 cylinder on the show if I could provide one in a reasonable amount of time. Hopefully they say yes.
Here is what I need from the JBO though....a CAR with a free title. I would prefer one that is a junker but in decent enough shape that I can make it into a racer.
Here was my idea for the car BTW:
Almost full interior like my current one (2 seats, rollcage, full dash, a-pillar pod with gauges, no rear seat, no massive metal cutting for weight)
Super 20G or GT35R Turbo
Wiseco Pistons
Eagle Rods
Eagle Crank
Custom Comp Cams
Patriot Stage 2 Head
LZM Balance Shaft Delete Kit
TTR Motor and Trans Mounts
8in or 10in MH Racemaster or M/T slicks
DSS axles
Stock computer with HPTuners changes sot eh car can be driven to the track (and really humiliate my opponent if I win)
Portfueler manifold and fuel setup
Koni Sport Kit or Full Coilover suspension
MSD DIS 2 setup (more for the 2 step launch)
Maybe a IC sprayer setup if I can prove it works
MAYBE, and this is the longest of long shots, Direct Port Nitrous for fun.
I really want the car to be just like mine, something easily doable by your average tuner with a decent job and some skills. Only time will tell though.
Thoughts? Opinions?

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
great idea...who's gonna fund the go fast parts? I ain't pitchin in a red cent lol
I don't know all the details yet. I got some favors I can call in and I know I could get some freebies, but I gotta find a car first.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
sounds like fun
shame they been here already
So if I let you take my car,{which may not be an option since my car is a vert.},you build it and if you win,I get my car back and you get the losers ride?How's that sound,since my car was free anyways.

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
You know....theres a free one in the NE region forum....title and all....
Im trying to figure out if i have room for it or not, but id much rather see it go to something like this...
might be able to find you something..........but it will most likely have a shot engine and need a complete rebuild...but it appears thats not an issue for you. is a 2.4 ok...or are you really wanting to do an eco? eco could be a tough find for cheap/nothing
I was toying with the idea of using my car, but I don't have the full title to it.
Grumpy: We could work out a deal to get your car back after any agreements are fulfilled, unless you wanted the winners car.
Joey: Eco is preferred because that's the motor I know and I've already seen it's reliability first hand.
Oh and here's the email I got back from Pinks:
Hi Ryne....sounds pretty cool but we're not looking for any FWD cars to be on the show right now. Also, this season we need all of the cars to run at least 10.50's
Nate Pritchett
Casting Director, PINKS
I think we need to get JBO, CSS, and all the other GM FWD sites to flood them and change their minds

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
other than the civic vs rx-7 show has a 4 cyl/import ever won on pinks? seems to me if they are getting down to the deciding race, they always hand a gimme run to the muscle car...take the one i saw last night:
monte carlo...built v8, 180 shot on it.
old 240/280Z turbo'd
monte on just motor, Z gets 7 car lead...wins by 3 cars.
last race now to decide the winner...Z gets 4 car lead..monte gets its bottle back. a 4 car lead should put the Zin the win by 1 car...
but the monte now has 180hp worth of nitrous added...anyone who knows anything will tell ya thatll make more than 1 car of course...monte wins, by like 6 cars.
its always like that...when the 4 banger/import has a decent chance to win...they make em take a sucker race n lose.
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Wow...I didn't even know they still filmed that show.
1989 Z24 Convertible - Dust Covered
2006 tC - Dust Covered, but driven more
Ronin J wrote:other than the civic vs rx-7 show has a 4 cyl/import ever won on pinks? seems to me if they are getting down to the deciding race, they always hand a gimme run to the muscle car...take the one i saw last night:
monte carlo...built v8, 180 shot on it.
old 240/280Z turbo'd
monte on just motor, Z gets 7 car lead...wins by 3 cars.
last race now to decide the winner...Z gets 4 car lead..monte gets its bottle back. a 4 car lead should put the Zin the win by 1 car...
but the monte now has 180hp worth of nitrous added...anyone who knows anything will tell ya thatll make more than 1 car of course...monte wins, by like 6 cars.
its always like that...when the 4 banger/import has a decent chance to win...they make em take a sucker race n lose.
Well if I get on it I won't be taking any sucker races. I don't street race anymore but I set up a lot of races still. I know what most of the cars here got in them and can usually set up a fair race. That's how I do it here and that's how I'd make it go there. NO BULL@!#$.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Lets assume you do have a car setup just like yours to run and that they would want you to be on there. Why do you want to be? Noone likes the show because it is way to much BS, the host is a jerk and thats putting it nicely. They race cars that they do not know for sure if they are even close and then they play games like you get bottle or you dont. The whole show they play this guy gets this many car lenghts and this guy gets this. Back and forth. It is just stupid. I believe in you race 2 cars that are close. You run what you brung. Put up or shut up. There is no give me x amount of car lenghts or take out your bottle BS. Pinks is exactly the oppisite that is what they center the show around. Do you remember the the episode where the two guys with drag bikes ran. Those guys did not sandbag or BS or want to have give or take bike lenghts. They both just wanted a fair race. The one guy thought the other may have moved to soon. Even though the guy who might have moved too soon won he was willing to just strike that run from the record and redo it. He did not want the other guy to be able to say it was unfair in any way. All the show host did was start drama. Even though the racers were alright with it he was not. My point is that you have zero control over what happens. The show is not about the races or the racers. You can argue all day long but in the end it is his say. I am sure you have seen enough episodes to know that if you flat out say no to a race because it is not fair eventually he will just say looks like you loose because you would not race. You can not make it go any way, you do not have the final say.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, July 10, 2007 10:39 AM

Apparently you've never been to a street race Wade. The way you see it on TV is how it is there....a lot of jawing for a few races. I have to negotiate bottles, lengths, hits, and tires all the time. It something I've gotten good at doing and I'm generally pretty fair in the races I make.
Of course there are those cases when a guy pays me to lie a bit and set the odds his way a hair. I'm not above being part of the scam and everyone there knows it. It's how @!#$ goes.
I want to be one the show for 2 what a 4 cylinder can do on a mild budget and to show my own personal abilities. I don't care if I have to listen to the host or anyone else piss and moan about anything, I'm used to it.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
^ how about talking to some filming crews and just go up to GLD during a RSD nite? same concept, just more real. would make better TV anyways.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
I have been to the street races almost every friday and saturday night for the past 4 years now. It must be a litle different around here. The only guys that play the whole car lenghts BS are the asians with Honda's and even then it is rare. There are only maybe 10-15 hardcore racers on any given night and they are well know. So are there cars and the modifications to them. Everyone knows who is spraying. There just is not much of that crap here. The biggest thing is people complaining about someone roling before the drop, once again this is mainly among the Honda crowd.

BoltZ22 wrote:^ how about talking to some filming crews and just go up to GLD during a RSD nite? same concept, just more real. would make better TV anyways.
They did that already. It's a show called name that Test and Tune or something like that.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Pinks can be cool to watch, but to me its bitch racing. if you cant run heads up against whatever the other guy shouldnt be running him (or her). To me street racing (or any racing) is nose to nose with everything youve excuses and no whining. I see no shame in being a man and saying "no, i cant beat what youve got" when its true.
Looking for something new? How about an off topic forum where you can truly express your opinions without interference of mods or admins?
Team Vision Racing (aka hypsy) wrote:BoltZ22 wrote:^ how about talking to some filming crews and just go up to GLD during a RSD nite? same concept, just more real. would make better TV anyways.
They did that already. It's a show called name that Test and Tune or something like that.
"Name That Test N Tune" was more like a stupid game show. 3 contesants guess what a car will run and the one closests to the actual time wins the round.
RSD is street racing at a track. you go through the pits trying to negotiate a race for $$$.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
I know what RSD is. It's been on TV before too. LOL. It's been on the news like 4 or 5 times alone.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Team Vision Racing (aka hypsy) wrote:I know what RSD is. It's been on TV before too. LOL. It's been on the news like 4 or 5 times alone.
So why in the hell did you compare it to "Name That Test N Tune"????
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
BoltZ22 wrote:use your car Ryne. You know the whole show is staged and even if you lose you'll go home with your car anyways.
Really? Hardcore Racing was on PINKS last season, they won a Mustang. Guess what? It was in their showroom. Looks like they took it home to me.
James (ROLN19S) (JuicyJ) wrote:BoltZ22 wrote:use your car Ryne. You know the whole show is staged and even if you lose you'll go home with your car anyways.
Really? Hardcore Racing was on PINKS last season, they won a Mustang. Guess what? It was in their showroom. Looks like they took it home to me.
I know a few people kept the cars. But a majority hand the keys right back over to the loser after the cameras go off.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
BoltZ22 wrote:Team Vision Racing (aka hypsy) wrote:I know what RSD is. It's been on TV before too. LOL. It's been on the news like 4 or 5 times alone.
So why in the hell did you compare it to "Name That Test N Tune"????
I wasn't comparing anything. I was saying they already shot film there.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26