Why is it so hard for us to get stickers, IS JBO NOT WORTH PROMOTING ANYMORE?
Hundreds of people want stickers which help bring new blood into this slowly dieing community, why haven't the admins done something about it and let this go on for so long? Even if its a new design, at least have something available, I tried getting one over a year ago now, no luck.
If site Admins do not want to hassle with promoting the community anymore, license the rights to someone who will. There are more and more alternative Jbody sites popping up with surprisingly strong membership, its no coincidence people aren't finding us.

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HP Tuners | Innovate WB02 | Spec Stage 3 | TurboTech Upper | Full Addco Sways | Sportlines & Yellows |
I don't think DAVE has ever had a problem in the past with someone making their own j-body.org decals for personal use.
with that said, you want one, go to your local graphic shop and get a set made.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
Yes but if I decide to have 50 made and sell them to cover my costs, then their might be a problem and unless you can do a bulk to me its not worth while. I'm talking about getting hundreds of stickers back out on peoples cars, not just 1 on my car, that isn't going to attract a whole lot of attention for the site.
*Edit, If someone gives me permission, I will undergo whatever is necessary to come up with several popular designs and sell them reasonably to .org members to cover my costs.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, July 19, 2007 11:44 AM

Mitsu TD06-20g |3" Downpipe w/ Cutout | 61mm Bored TB |
HP Tuners | Innovate WB02 | Spec Stage 3 | TurboTech Upper | Full Addco Sways | Sportlines & Yellows |
search , dave posted something a while back in 1 of these posts about stickers
if i remember , he said after he was sold out of the last batch it was going to be a while , before stickers were gonna be sold again
so pretty much whats out there is out there for now
contact dave himself

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
is it really necessary to have one of these posts every month or so? you want stickers, go get some made...you want to make 50 and sell them, its not illegal unless you get caught. hell, make 100, sell them, and then kick half the profit out to dave. i'm sure dave has more to worry about than the almighty sticker crisis.
If you actually spend the money to get them made, you'll get your money back in no time, plus mucho extra to either buy beer, or get more made.
Either way, people would be stoked
Oh yeah, I know a guy, so post up one of the old ones, and I'm sure I can get a exact copy made for a deec price..post a pic
do a custom one,....like make your own itll be easier plus once its on other fools around u with cavaliers will se it and remember to check out the org. no worries over a sticker bro

anyone have a scan of the actual JBO decal? i want one as close to the original as possible, but need a good picture/size to get one made for me!
Erik, I have one too!
You could always contacted Boosted for your vinyl needs. He did a few things for me, and did a great job, with very fast shipping.
Im sure a larger order would take some time, but none the less, i'd deal with him.
J-Body.org is copyrighted by Dave, and reproducing the stickers without his permission is copyright infringement.
I can't speak to the problems with Dave's supply, since Dave is the only one who deals with the stickers (not the "admins" as you may think).
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J TO ENVY wrote: Shifted wrote:J-Body.org is copyrighted by Dave, and reproducing the stickers without his permission is copyright infringement.
Not totally true. It has been stated over and over again and I received it in an email from Dave himself a while back; if you get stickers made for your own personal use Dave does not care, the only way you'd run into problems with him is if you had a bunch made and then sold them for your own profit.

it is true. it is a copyrighted name and dave could do something about it if he wanted too but like you said he doesnt mind as long as your not trying to turn a profit off of it.