Just as the title states... is anyone interested in helping us move some "older" inventory on eBay?
Basically my wife & I just don't have the time to go through and list each item or lots of items to get them sold... so if someone is willing to do that for us, we'll compensate. Possibly around 20-25% of the $$ value the item(s) go for.
We have $44,000 in inventory and want to get that down to around 20-25K if we can by January roughly.
If anyone is SERIOUSLY interested.... please post here and we'll get the details worked out.
You would need your own eBay account w/ GOOD selling feedback, your own paypal account, and good auction/listing skills
www.TaillightTinting.com #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES
www.aPlusPerformance.com BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
Jason- I might be able to help you out.
Shoot me some more details as far as what you are looking for.
I would love to help you out.
Jason if you need some help let me know I could list everything within a few hours
Under Construction
ill help out if needed Jason, shoot me a PM with details
I can help as well lord knows i have plently of free time at work lol
Primer Counts as Custom Paint Right?
BTW: This is my Sig.
also, on a side note...depending what there is in the inventory...i may buy some of the stuff my self
I'd help out Jason. only thing is i've only sold a handful of things on eBay and only have one feedback from a buyer. My feedback score is 66 with a rating of 98.5%. Only have had one negative and it was due to a seller retaliate on my negative feedback when they tried to screw me.
But if you still need more help, i'm willing and could use a lil extra $.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
74 feedbacks, 100% rating
Let me know Jason, interested in the details, I have the time for sure.
i'd be willing to help too. have 55+ positive feedback on ebay, all positive feedback on heatware, have paypal, have internet. pm me if needed.
my carDomain updated 11/5/07 I've got premium. Yes I do. I've got premium. How 'bout you?
+177 with 99% positive.
I have custom forms and my own web server to host pics.
Pm if you want to go over more details.
I have perfect feedback with 50+ have sold everything I have ever listed and know jbodies inside and out, and am well respected, let me know
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
i could help out. I'm also not that terrible far from you. (milwaukee wi).
Make a thread here with everything you got for sale, might be able to get a few sales here.
let me know what your putting up for sale! ill buy something for sure!
titus03 wrote:Make a thread here with everything you got for sale, might be able to get a few sales here.
That's the plan... before the stuff hits ebay
www.TaillightTinting.com #1 SOURCE FOR VHT NITE SHADES
www.aPlusPerformance.com BACK ONLINE SOMETIME SOON!
PHONE 763-682-9945
let me know jason ill sell or buy some of your stock