I know the toyota cavalier has been beaten to death on here but i would like to order some toyota parts for my 01 but every place i go to says that a vin number would help them to locate them. ive searched everywhere on here and everywhere on google, google new zealand, google japan, ebayNZ, ebayJP but no luck...i guess the japanese and new zealanders are a little more cautious about posting their vin numbers online...and with a little more than 3000 of the 2000 toyota cavaliers made, its a bit hard to find one.
does anyone have a working VIN# from a 2000 toyota cavalier? preferably 2dr.
what parts are you trying to order? there are part # lists floating around the forums here....search for them and get the part #s and just order from GMPartsDirect.com
or is there something specific that you havent found a part # for yet?
Tabs.. i have every part number in the world for the car i just need a
VIN# to order them. John i saw his page but his is a 99...i need the number for a 2000. but thank you for tring to help. John do you have a VIN number for a 2000?
im tring to order the taillights, fenders and corner lights and have all the part numbers but the place im going through said they can get me any part in the world i want, but it helps to have a VIN number. im going through the body shop thats painting everything and getting everything for dealer cost and paying no shipping. so everything is dirt cheap and if something is not right i can send it back and get the right part without having to pay.
i love these kind of post when we have whole Toyota Cavalier cars for sell no one wanted them and now that we have trouble getting our hands on anything by them everyone is looking for them.
I just gave the part # for the fenders to my buddy at a dealer and hand them in a few days. Dont see what they need the vin for.
A lot of dealers want the VIN for cross reference.
Dan Trump
2004 Cavalier LS Sport - Victory Red