I thought that was cool that they picked a J for it, heh.
What other movies/tv shows have used J's?
I've seen a few J's on Cops.
<img src="http://www.majhost.com/gallery/HCAJosh/crap/shooshined.jpg">
- putting the pieces back together -
I thought that was a Sunfire in the commercial for "P2" on DVD. Too bad it was on fire

. That movie looks extremely lame, but I have been wanting to rent it just to see the Sunfire

they only have 1 fire listed in 88 minutes. But there is a 03-05 parked by a curb near the end of the movie when gramm is about to get arrested. it's very evident that it's there.
There was a teal 95-99 Cavalier in King of the Hill
knight rider was actually a sunfire
JtotheOtotheEtotheY wrote:knight rider was actually a sunfire
Which Nightrider?
<img src="http://www.majhost.com/gallery/HCAJosh/crap/shooshined.jpg">
- putting the pieces back together -
In those Cavalier movies, isn't that the same police Cavalier in Kilómetro 31, 2006 * and Las tontas no van al cielo, 2008 * and Silent Partner, 2005 **
I never saw that 2002 Cavalier on Pimp My Ride, anyone got the after pics?
<img src="http://www.majhost.com/gallery/HCAJosh/crap/shooshined.jpg">
- putting the pieces back together -
looks like they used the SAME grey 82 cavi in like 20 movies
Those so naive, so hard headed, so narcissistic, that think that buy their own efforts can single handedly change the world, are always the ones that do.
wasn't it doublezed's Cav in that Lifetime movie?
don't forget Fast & Furious 2

sunfire on the life and cavi in the car mix...i didn't see that in the list.

"If you have no clue what's going on... STFU!"
I want to see that sunfire from king of the hill lol
<img src="http://www.majhost.com/gallery/HCAJosh/crap/shooshined.jpg">
- putting the pieces back together -
Product placement, or cheap props?
I'll take the latter.
I watched P2 about a month ago and much to my surprise, not only was there a Sunfire in it, but it was a 2000 silver Sunfire Sedan! The movie was lame, but it was pretty funny to see "my" car in a movie! Yes... I know... I'm lame

This movie was pretty good I thought. I bought the damn thing too. The part with the Sunfire is awesome she plays chicken with an 80's Oldsmobile.
If anyone hasn't seen Double Jeopardy there is 95-99 Cavalier sedan that gets smashed into pieces.
trailer park boys have a few cavs/fires on there. Bubbles is my favorite, lol.
in 2F2F, aside from the silver Sunfire on the lift and the blue Cavi in the mix-up, there's also a black Z24 couple outside of Luda's shop the first time they pull up there.. its actually one of Nopi's old promo cars. if its somewhere in those links, my bad.. my comp's running too slow to go they links right now... and my gf is trying to sleep right next to me, and she'll strangle me if I wake her up

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
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There was a cav drifting to perfection in tokyo drift, lol
But seriously I think I saw a few on worlds wildest crashes : caught on tape.
Wasn't there a cav that pushed another car out of a parking spot on one of those 'real tv' shows?
in the first FNF there was a couple cavs at the beginning. pretty damn sexy too and that cav outside ludas shop was nice lol.
anyone have any pics of those scenes?
gold 2004 sunfire