hey everyone. is there an easy way to get the beeping noise to go away when the e brakes up? i want to know so i can have the traction control off without being annoyed by the beeping. i guess there is always the "turn the radio up louder" option, but a permanent solution would better
and then theres always the dont bypass safety features on your car option...
why would it matter? i wouldnt be driving around with traction control off. i would have it off when my friend and i are messing around in a parking lot in the winter.
whos lives would we be putting in danger? not sure about where you live, but in my town its pretty easy to find a parking lot at 11 at night with absolutely no one around. no ones lives are put in danger
With all do respect don't you think your being a little hard on the kid?
He said in a "parking lot" so how is he exactly putting anyone else besides him in danger?
If he's smart enough to do it in a parking lot im sure he's smart enough to do it when know one else is around
It's probably his first car and be honest... Who didnt have fun in there first car ?
You remind me of a cop. Hurrr durr you cant do this because i said so.
The guy asked a damn question the least you could do is give a valid reason why you think he shouldn't do it.
Typical sunfire owner who thinks his car is the greatest thing ever made. Your not cool kiddo. Your just a wanna be internet tough guy.
OT: the e break beep may be connected to the stereo so a wire for it may run there. you could disconnect it but it will require a lot of work. I would just deal with it its not really a big deal.
look at that one newb helping another newb....
the reason i said what i said is because people here like to do things THE WRONG WAY. Disableing that feature of the car for purposes the OP start ir retarded. Just my opinion so i gave it. Dont like the answer then done come around.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, October 08, 2012 1:53 PM
Don't like the question don't bother answering
EvoFire wrote:look at that one newb helping another newb....
the reason i said what i said is because people here like to do things THE WRONG WAY. Disableing that feature of the car for purposes the OP start ir retarded. Just my opinion so i gave it. Dont like the answer then done come around.
> OP start ir retarded
> start ir retarded
> ir retarded
> Dont like the answer then done come around
> like the answer then done come around
> the answer then done come around
> then done come around
> done come around
So who's retarded.... You can barely mash a sentence together?
Look down
Look up
Kelin Washtenaw wrote:EvoFire wrote:look at that one newb helping another newb....
the reason i said what i said is because people here like to do things THE WRONG WAY. Disableing that feature of the car for purposes the OP start ir retarded. Just my opinion so i gave it. Dont like the answer then done come around.
> OP start ir retarded
> start ir retarded
> ir retarded
> Dont like the answer then done come around
> like the answer then done come around
> the answer then done come around
> then done come around
> done come around
So who's retarded.... You can barely mash a sentence together?
awwwww how cute you are even sticking up for him!!!! yup auto correct and predictive text on my phone sure do make me look retarded.....oh wells...i already wasted too much time in this thread.
Using my E-brake on snow covered parking lot in my FWD car because I'm obviously practicing for my RWD drift car... that I don't own.
FWD "drifting" isn't cool... do it the real way or go home.
Still not low enough for a signature.
Everyone let the hate flow threw you.
Look down
Look up
Kelin Washtenaw wrote:Cars:
2003 Pontiac Trans am ws6 Coupe - Arctic white
Yea, this kid is full of @!#$. 2002 was the last year for Trans Ams.
Tinkles(KGM) wrote:Kelin Washtenaw wrote:Cars:
2003 Pontiac Trans am ws6 Coupe - Arctic white
Yea, this kid is full of @!#$. 2002 was the last year for Trans Ams.
Its prolly the OP making a duplicate account.. joined today, and all 3 posts are in this thread
Have a nice day.
Its not my account. Go ahead and backtrace the email or whatever you want to do to find out. I asked a question. You dont need to be douche bags about it. Don't bypass safety feature? Half the people on this forum have racing steering wheels on their cars, how about you go give them @!#$ too? And why do you care so much if I want to have some fun drifting in the snow? Piss off and have a nice day
Kelin Washtenaw wrote:
> OP start ir retarded
> start ir retarded
> ir retarded
So who's retarded.... You can barely mash a sentence together?
Kelin Washtenaw wrote:Everyone let the hate flow threw you.

How about you grasp basic grammar before you try calling someone out on a misspelled word.
pvtmcmuffin wrote:Its not my account. Go ahead and backtrace the email or whatever you want to do to find out. I asked a question. You dont need to be douche bags about it. Don't bypass safety feature? Half the people on this forum have racing steering wheels on their cars, how about you go give them @!#$ too? And why do you care so much if I want to have some fun drifting in the snow? Piss off and have a nice day
And how did we get from e brake beeper to racing sterring wheel??
Have a nice day.
Because he told me not to bypass safety features. Taking out the steering wheel which houses the airbag to replace it with a racing steering wheel without a airbag is not bypassing a safety feature?
I did search and I saw that thread. Didn't see an answer on how to just eliminate the beeping, so I started a new thread
Make sure and take a video of your awesome drifting skills, yo.
Still not low enough for a signature.
pvtmcmuffin wrote:hey everyone. is there an easy way to get the beeping noise to go away when the e brakes up? i want to know so i can have the traction control off without being annoyed by the beeping. i guess there is always the "turn the radio up louder" option, but a permanent solution would better
You could unhook the switch off the bottom of the lever. But then, the car won't know the brake is on and wont turn off the TC.
Kelin Washtenaw wrote:With all do respect don't you think your being a little hard on the kid?
He said in a "parking lot" so how is he exactly putting anyone else besides him in danger?
If he's smart enough to do it in a parking lot im sure he's smart enough to do it when know one else is around
It's probably his first car and be honest... Who didnt have fun in there first car ?
You remind me of a cop. Hurrr durr you cant do this because i said so.
Go away. Preferably to die in a fire.
i find it amusing that SHOoff has nothing better to do but follow me around & be an unhelpful dick in even cross-forum. - Jon Mick
I love it when threads like this come around. Always good for a laugh.
Anyway, replacing the radio with an aftermarket unit might do it not sure though. But who cares your whole reason for wanting to do it is to do something stupid and not be annoyed while doing it. Your car is front wheel drive and "doing donuts/drifting" in one is just dumb and pointless. You have no to little control and is a good way to wreak your car.
Put the shifter in 2 or 1... no TC.