to anyone interested me and some other j body enthusiests are going to meet at the Home Depot in Noblesville IN around 10:00 am anyone that wants to meet please reply. There is nothing better than a bunch of J bodys roling out to the bash. if you need directions ill post them in a couple of days if not se ya all at the bash.
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41
jason, im jason lol
in case your intrested, i live in noblesville as well. and will be having about 10 or so people all driving in to stay at my place for the bash. we will probaby have 6 or 7 j's with us for the weekend. why dont you get ahold of me and i'll get you directions out to my house and you guys can all cruise out with us. im only 5 minutes from hd.!/Square1Photography
sweet man ive chated with you on jci before yea man I actualy live in peblebrook village so im brobably not to far from ya let me know ive got hopfuly 6 guys coming with me.
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41
hey whats up, i was going to have a few j body's go with me but they decided not to go, i live in brazil indiana, im heading up there around 10 or so friday morning, i have a white cavy with candy blue rims and my name in the headrest hope to c some of you guys up there, later
sweet actualy we almost got a house built over their but decided that we were just going to wait cause of the wedding in SEPT. that is why my car as had no major mods this year. But being a manager over there at HD we decided to wait another year to get a house because I dont know what store ill be at next year hopfuly ill stay here in nobletucky cause ive ben here since 1993. the mod will flow after the wedding.
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41
i will meet you guys there, i have been looking for people to roll with. i might have another j body with me.
im comin from tennessee thursday lookin for a caravan if anybody has room just write back or add me
sweet the more the better
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41
I am coming from colorado with 4 cars in my caravan. Are you meeting on Friday? can someone call me or give me a number to call so I can get directions? 720-329-7433
hey Tony take 70 E to 465 N {left} to exit 31 witch is US 31 fallow 31 N {left} also known as Meridan north for about 10 miles to us 32 take 32 east {right} for about 8miles to the corner of US 32 and US 37 the store is on the Noth east corner behind the APPLEBEES look for a silver cavy. we have about 20 people or so Just remimber this is about 20 min north from IRP . If you dont want to make it or get lost on your way here to INDIANA call me {317} 503-0808 we will be meeting around 10 am at the Home Depot parking lot and from there we ar going to Sndsgoods {Jason} house to meet up with 8 other people then hedding to IRP and get there about 11 am also if you guys dont have hotels yet there is a farfield inn next to the Applebees infront of the store and yes we are doing the same thing for Saturday too. ill be at the Home Dept from 9:45 to about 10:30
A J-body owner since 1998
91 cavy, 99 sunfire, 00 cavy
06 cobalt SS/SC YELLOW
09 cobalt SS/TC sedan WHITE 1 of 41
someone call me so I can get a real contact. We are leaving from colorado tonight and will be in indy tomorrow around 10 am. Looking for something to do tonight also. 720-329-7433
P.S. We are staying at the super 8 in brownsburg. Wherever the hell that is.
Ill be around prob around 3-4pm and will be in a hurry to start my drinking binge

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
i really need to sleep but cant

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85