Does anyone know how to change a fuel filter for a 96 cavy? is it easily accesible? post pics if possible
its easy. get under the rear of the car and look around. if you dont see it you probably shouldnt be doing it yourself. theres a quick connect fitting on one end and you will need two wrenches for the other. best thing you can do if you will be doing any work yourself is pick up a haynes or chilton repair manual it will show you how to do a lot of things like this and even more complicated stuff.
Its easy man just look under your car the gas tank sits under your back seat so crawl under your car, its about equal to where your rear tires are look up and you'll see a little filer on one of the lines coming out of your tank like the other guy said it has a quick release end and one your going to need an open end wrench for i do believe. Its not that hard but be careful with the clip end they break kinda easy. I would suggest getting the part from GM Dealership as it will fit better. You will get a little fuel leak out. If you dont own a repair manual go to your local Public Library and look up repair on the microfish with a program call All Data. Its not needed its very easy and clear but if your worried check it out. good luck man
Everyone who says it's easy has forgotten their first time changing a fuel filter. I can tell you, it's not fun or easy. Until you have the right tools and learn the technique to disconnecting the GM "quick disconnect" after it's gone old crusty and rusty.... it's a real pain the arse.
You will probably have to fight with it for several hours before it pops apart. After that though, you'll do 'em in no time at all.
John Lenko wrote:Everyone who says it's easy has forgotten their first time changing a fuel filter. I can tell you, it's not fun or easy. Until you have the right tools and learn the technique to disconnecting the GM "quick disconnect" after it's gone old crusty and rusty.... it's a real pain the arse.
You will probably have to fight with it for several hours before it pops apart. After that though, you'll do 'em in no time at all.
x2. with any j car, pb B'laster will become one of your best friends.
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manual says unless its blocking flow dont change it.
~1996 Cavalier LS 2.4L (auto)
Letxen3 wrote:manual says unless its blocking flow dont change it.
the manual also says dex-cool, transmission fluid, spark plugs and wires are 100,00 mile items. in reality, your fuel filter should be changed every 12,000 miles.
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thats just to rob your money of useless maintenance. im talking about the real gm manual.
~1996 Cavalier LS 2.4L (auto)
and again, the real gm manual says dexcool, plugs, wires, and trans fluid are100,000 mile items. sorry, i'd rater pay the $6 and change the filter and KNOW there's no blockage.
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I have actually seen a tech remove an older fuel filter with just his bare hands. He squeezed the black quick connect, pushed the filter towards the connector and it popped right off. I just about crapped myself.

MiniTransAm/02WS6TA wrote:I have actually seen a tech remove an older fuel filter with just his bare hands. He squeezed the black quick connect, pushed the filter towards the connector and it popped right off. I just about crapped myself.
its funny becuase that manual says to do just that, pull apart hard and squeeze. i suck im a wimp.
~1996 Cavalier LS 2.4L (auto)
I'm going to do the wife's filter on her 99 and try it that way. Perhaps a pair of vice grips will come in handy. But it was this car I saw the tech do it so I know it's possible. I'll let you know if it works or not.