Okay, long story short. My wife's car was rear ended, everything worked fine after that, we drove the car for weeks. We took it to a shop from our insurance company (I already knew it was a bad idea before we did it), to have them fix the rear end damage. When we received the car back, it would not come out of park, you would have to get lucky, press the brake and push really hard to get the automatic shifter button to depress and get it into gear. Also none of the gauges worked, the cd player wasn't working, and the heat and air weren't working, so I knew it was electrical. Checked the fuses and found the blown one, it was a 20amp and I replaced it with a 25amp that I had. I tested it and everything worked great. My wife goes to drive the car and its right back to the way it was. I now cannot get it to depress and come out of park at all and its stuck. I checked all the fuses again and none of them were blown, what is the deal. I called the shop and they took zero responsibility and have no idea why that happened. Please help, we need her car. What could they have done, they didn't even end up fixing the car, the only thing they did was take off the bumper. They may have disconnected the battery, but that would be it. The car ran absolutely fine before we dropped it off.
Thank you in advance
if you can't get it out of park you're having an ignition problem it sounds like something that may have been semi-broken finally gave out
Don't you bottom out?
- Yes I do
There's a solenoid that releases the shifter mechanism when you depress the brake. Perhaps it's failed. The cable runs from the lock cylinder down the column, to the shifter. The solenoid is part of the cable, just above the accelerator pedal.
You could disassemble the center console and pull the end of the cable off the shifter mechanism for now.... but it removes the safety for shifting the car out of park without having the brake pedal down.