Hey guys.... Well its been a long 2wks, off and on. with the limited time i had, But i recently changed the motor in my 2001 Sunfire 2.2L, with just another stock 2.2L with 53,000kms out of a 2002.
Anyways, I bought it back at the end of summer last year, with a Blown water pump, and head gasket, and it was just a Mess, So i decided to change the motor. since i got a smoking' deal on another 2.2L with 53,000kms.
Anyways, to make a long story short, There was Water left in the cooling system from back in the Fall, and of course, i forgot about it, and didn't really plan on changing a motor in the middle of winter, but what do you know, It ended up getting changed, in a garage, with NO HEAT, Brrrrr.
Anyways, Since there was water left in the cooling system, everything froze up. I pulled the motor... got it out of the way, pulled the Rad, brought it in the house to thaw out. completely thawed, and then drained it. and reinstalled it...
Now the cooling hoses going over the Transmission to the heater core, were frozen solid as well. Which i didn't realize till i got the new motor back into the car, what a pain trying to get those coolant hoses off the heater core, ErGH!... Anyway moving on. I finally got those hoses off, thawed them out as well. and reinstalled them.
I attempted to unthaw the heater core best i could.
Now the fun....
When i first got the new motor i noticed the water pump pulley was Bent, no biggy, right? WRONG... i swapped the pulleys out thinking no big deal. i got the new motor in, and everything connected. belts on. ready to fire.... pump inside, start it up, and BANG.... There goes the water pump. The Triangle part of the water pump the pulley bolts to, snapped right off, more then likely whatever impacted the water pump prior to me getting it, and bending the pulley. Anyways, got that all cleared up with my local junkyard, got a new water pump under there 30day warranty they have.
Now everything's back on and connected, and i am having a few issues/concerns.
Now i am not an Amature to the automotive world. just not 100% sure of the causes of these issues.
Something i'm missing possibly?
1.) Temperature Gauge Reading, Just above 90'C (picture below) This' while filling the cooling system and topping it off... Will it drop?
2.) Attempting to Burp cooling system to get all the air pockets out. No luck really. any suggestions?
3.) I Noticed Coolant leaking out possibly heater core overflow out elbow on firewall? After i shut off the car for the 2nd or 3rd time.. (randomly)
4.) Check Engine light came on Randomly after 2nd or 3rd, maybe even 4th start (my O2 Sensor is not plugged in though, possibly engine temp rising without O2 sensor plugged in would cause this dummy light?)
More pictures tomorrow, ANY & ALL HELP IS APPRECIATED, Thanks in Advance!
engine temp is a little high as factory it is set to (195*f) 90.56*c it not running much hotter than expected (honestly i cant read those temp gauges)
causes could be that the car is sitting still and and possibly a blown rad cooler fan
i worked on a 99 ln2 (2.2l) that had an issue such as this
the water pump went out which caused the fan to run all the time which burnt it up when we replaced the water pump while sitting still the car would generate enough heat to purge coolant out of the resivor but if we were running down the road the car would keep the constant 908c (195*f)
o2 sensor / s not being plugged in could and most likely will cause the engine light code as there is no o2 stats being reported to the computer to change the fuel curve
coolant leak could be attributed to anything from a cracked line to a burst heater core
i have never had to purge my coolant system in a cavalier so trial and error (most likely disconnect the coolant out hose should solve purge issue)
Well The Heater core was indeed frozen, So its not completing the system, causing pressure to build and the release valve opening and draining out the firewall...
I Picked up another Heater core today, going to install it tomorrow.
let me know how it goes...
Ok, new Heater core's in... Temp stays down at 40'C for a while, and then rapidly jumps up to Operation temp, im not sure if thats how it usually goes, i think so..... But it now sits exactly 2 ticks above 90'C just like the picture above. and no leak, which is good... Im currently tryin to burp the system right now to get any unwanted air thats in there, Out!
It doesn't seem like much coolant is flowing through the Upper Rad hose when i squeeze it! but i did shut the car off, and take the hose off, and there is coolant going through it, just not alot?.... Cars heat is on Defrost, and 2 ticks above 90'C like i said....
Everything seem alright??
Does it take a long time for these cars to get rid of Air locks/Air Pockets?? With it not having a Rad cap on the Rad itself, and just the reservoir, seems like i might have it let it run for a while?
I just left it running and went back out there, and the reservoir started to bubble over a bit when i rev'd it up 2-3g's... and the Temp gauge went about 4 ticks past 90'C maybe a bit higher than the picture above.
I Don't want to hurt anything, The Black Cooling bar that runs across the front of the engine is pretty hot to touch, and it doesn't seem like there's much coolant flowing through there....H*E*L*P!!!
Alright, Everything's
now, Right at 90'C where it should be!
Thanks jgilk1
And Thanks to all who checked out my thread and didn't bother to help!