Kind of a strange problem that I have never seen before. I was driving and all of a sudden my headlights were blinking on and off as well as the instrument lights and all the warning lights were also coming on and off. It went back to normal and repeated this a few times, the car never died. Any clues what could cause this?
I think the whole electrical system is shutting off because the clock on the radio resets when the power glitches
sounds like you might have a loose ground or a power wire somewhere. Have you messed with your dash or modified your vehicle or is it stock? If you have modified it, i would go back to anything you did and make sure that no wires are broke or loose. If you vehicle is stock, then check all of your grounds and start there.
Its getting stranger. I can push on my brake pedal and the lights go out. When I have my bright lights on the indicator blinks on and off and I can push the bright light lever and it comes back on. Could an ignition switch cause all of this?