when the temprature is in the 60s to 80 degres celcuios the car runs like it has a nother 10 horspower but as soon as it gets to the operating range 90c it runs like it has lost 20 horspower the car is a 1997 cavy z2.4 with 140000 kilomiters what could be causing this ?
weather x2..... Don't forget cold air is more dense than warm air! I have a 97 Z also....its normal...
Cavalier z24......A poor man's Camaro....close enough, right?
its not the werather im talking about . im talking about the motor temp soory forgot to mention the car is canadian
it's the extra fuel your computer is dumping in to warm it up
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
when is cold the tranny stays on over drive. when it gets to normal temp, it shifts to actual Drive.
Don't drive your car aggressivly when it hasn't warmed up to it's operating tempterature, it will cause increased wear and tear. Especially in the winter, let it warm up.
Plus air tempterature will affect performance aswell. In the early mornings my car boots it, but as the day warms up it gets progressivly slower.
Does the car have mods? My 2.2 used to do this, once it was hot it seemed like it lost power. For some reason the intake was too long, and when I shortened it up the noticeable difference in power went away.
Jon Mick wrote:
i find it amusing that SHOoff has nothing better to do but follow me around & be an unhelpful dick in even cross-forum.
yeah i alway wait tell operating temituer befor beating it and yeah i have a cold air intake its not like the aem ones it coms right of the throtel body and goes straight down behind the rad
paul goddard wrote:yeah i alway wait tell operating temituer befor beating it and yeah i have a cold air intake its not like the aem ones it coms right of the throtel body and goes straight down behind the rad
OUCH! No wonder. I normally wouldn't set up an intake like that cause when the fan for the radiator kicks in, it blows the hot air into the filter and into your intake. If you are trying for the "ram air" effect, try first relocating the filter to behind the battery and then get a tube that fits in the center of the filter and run it down to the area behind the splash shield. Too much hot air causes loss in power.
yea but the cone sits lower then the rad fan and i have fabricated a skid plat to block the rain because i found with the style your talking about will collect snow and theres really now way to keep it cool there and clean .and since i have had the car i have had the cooling fan come on like twice 99 percent of driving is highway and even with stock air bock set up the car still runs like crap hot when the car is hot like right be for the fan is going to kick in it feels like the air conditioning is on and 4 people in the car no power. like i understand what the rest of you guys r saying with more fuel when coold but really that bad do all your cavs run like this
But i bet u it ran the same hot or cold your just noticing a difference with the cold air intake only at colder temps over the stock intake don't knock it till you try what these guys are suggesting. Even if thats not the problem you dont mount a cold air intake by the radiator, because then it just becomes a hot air intake and you might as well just route your exhaust into your intake
seriously? your radiator is heating up your CAI piping, your probably losing more than 10 horse...
buy an ebay pipe for 20 bucks and put a good filter on it....
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JBO member since 2004
well im not going to argue with amy body but from what i have experinced this cold air set up works the best for me
sorry, but they are very right. you need colder air, and the intake pipe is probably very hot, heating the air, making it expand, and therefore, less air molecules can get into your engine, which also means less fuel, so, less air, less fuel+less power. let your can run for a bit, then touch the intake pipe right in front of the radiator. try to relocate it to a colder area, like where the aem one goes, or move your battery to the trunk, and put it there, or something...but anywhere should be better than where it is now...try it out, and let us know how it goes
paul goddard wrote:well im not going to argue with amy body but from what i have experinced this cold air set up works the best for me
if that CAI set up worked best, everyone would be using it.
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JBO member since 2004