My front defroster has been busted for a long time due to the damaged control cable in the back of the HVAC unit on my 2004 Cavalier LS Sport. I got a replacement and took of the dashpad and bezel and the ductwork for the a/c and a bunch of other stuff but there was no way to access that cable as far as I could find. I got it unhook from the back of the HVAC but there is just no room to take it off from the vent controll assembly. I called up a buddy at a local Chevy dealer and he told me I needed "really small tools." Has anyone ever replaced this part before? Also I think that the assembly that actually rotates and changes the air flow direction is broken as well. Probably due to excessive force used trying to move it into the defrost position because of that crappy foam in there. Any luck finding a replacement for that piece assuming I could get to it to replace it? Junkyard probably but again I need to access it it to get it out of the junker!