ok, so i have been trouble shooting the horn this past weekend, it turns out that the plastic sleeve/contact that comes from the airbag coil (?) is broken....and i don't think they sell just that contact sleeve huh? all the sleeves i found are for every other year j body!
so do i really have to buy that entire coil from GM $162.xx, or has any body done any "garage engineering" for an easier fix??
my last resort i guess would be buying an after market wheel, hub, and install kit then just wire it to the new wheel/hub......thanks for reading guys!
Best bet is go to a junk yrad and yank one off of one of those cars. our cars are a dime a dozen now so it should be a easy fix. and IIRC those are the same from any year 95+ j body but i could be wrong. goodluck
sweet! well knowing that i have a more years to choose from can really work out b/c like i was saying, there was NOTHING out there under the used parts or ebay for my year
can anybody confirm or deny that i am able to use any IIRC from 1995+ ???? but i'll do some more research and see what i find
thanks for the help mike!
Im sure someone can confirm it. I think the real only change was the air bag/button on our cars. i know the splines on the wheel itself are diffrent. but i also know that there are some by me that have 95-99's 00-02's and even a couple 03-05's so finding them at a yard isnt that hard to do. goodluck man, im sure you will find what ya need.
well first off thank you guys for the help!
i was doing some more research and i found a body shop while surfing C.L. (lol) and they have a 2000 that they are trying to part out, hopefully i might get to take a look at it this weekend....its a pretty slow place here where i live right now so i'm not worried about it being stripped in days....haha...
keep an eye out, i'll probably take pics and a little noobie "write-up" just in case this every happens to any body else.....i blame the wife for this one by the way
SHE LOVES TO SLAM THAT HORN DOWN AND SCARE THE @#$@T OUT OF PEOPLE THAT CUT HER OFF ! (and me while i'm a passenger trying to take a nap while she drives) lol
again thanks for the help!
whats wrong with the "Horn Broke, Watch for Finger" bumper sticker? My first car never had a horn that worked (while I owned it)
Everything Louder than Everything else
LOL any electric 2 wire horn will work... pic any car you want at a junkyard or buy a cheapo aftermarket one and wire the thing up.
Weeb, he wasnt talking about the horn, he was talking about the contact dish thing behind the air bag itself with the wire coming off it if I read it correctly.
yup yup, that contact dish or "horn cam kit" i believe the dealer calls it is exactly what she broke....o yea, so this weekend i took it apart and accidentally opened the clockspring (ouch) THOUGHT i put it back together correctly when the wife tells me next day she hears clicking when she turns. took the wheel off again last night and there it was.....clockspring torn!
so noooow i really do have to replace the clockspring AND the contact dish that sits behind that....i found out thought that the contact wheel can come off any 'new-ish' GM tilt wheel....?
also, i think i read this correctly here on another thread...i can get any late model cavi clock S. BUT the connections are different. just snap the ones from my orig. C.S. and put splice on the new C.S......????
i feel like an idiot after the clockspring beat me.....but i'm not giving up... any suggestions???