I have a 99 ford explorer 4x4 and recently the 4wh and 4wl lights are flashing from time to time..not a continuous thing..comes and goes. Had my friend who owns a muffler shop look at it and he couldnt figure out what was causing it..any suggestions? doesnt seem to affect the driving or the gas mileage, so im assuming its not stuck in 4 wheel high (4wh) or 4 wheel low (4wl). This is an automatic feature on my truck and is always set in auto..no off position seen.
I'd say there is a fault somewhere in the wiring. You'd know if it was in 4 low... you'd have it redlined to go 55
Also, not sure if you know... but this is a forum for GM Jbody cars like cavalier and sunfires... not ford.
I didn't know J-Bodies ever came with 4WD.....
"Maintenance on a J-Body forum......Hrmmm, Sounds like the perfect place to ask about my ford.."
spam or troll. joined today.