Hey everyone! I'm having a couple of odd problems all of a sudden with my '96 Cavvy.
I have rewired the ignition onto buses and toggle switches and built a device to trick the theft system. The car has needed a new battery and alt. for a while now, but I haven't had the money. I've been starting it up twice a month for a few minutes in order to keep things going and keep the fuel as fresh as I can, and it runs amazing, but the last time I went to start it up I got no fuel pump response... When I turn on the ignition, all of the dash lights come on and stay on, and the DRL light flashes as if I have a bad bulb, and the fuel pump does not pressurize. The engine will crank fine, but will not catch because there is no fuel.
So my question is this: Why did my fuel pump stop working at the same time as my dash lights started acting funky? What is the matter? I have not changed anything since last time when it worked.
Thanks so much for any help you can give me.
I'm guessing its a coincidence. I would check fuel pressure and confirm you have power to the fuel pump. And as long as you have those 2 things replace it