When its 40 degrees out side in the morning my 2003 cavalier like to keep the radiator fan stay on all the time.
Temp sensor is probably bad or unplugged. Even though the gauge may be correct, it could be sending a bad signal. I always unplug them when I have to work on a hot car and let the fan cool the car.
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
My friends cavalier did this. it was the fuse in the fuse box under the hood blew.
I well check my fuses.
yes my check engines light is on because I pulled the relay out to turn it off and the other code it throw is the down steam o2 sensor which is because i remove the catalytic converter.
No the defrost is off. when i start the car i make sure everything is turn off less load on the engine warming up.
I check the plug on the sensor last night it looked fine to me and my temp gauge seem to work fine never going over 195. .
There are thing with the car i still don't understand like when i turn it to defrost on it turn the ac on to which i unplug that sensor in the winter time to stop that.
.Would a bad ground cause the problem?
The only thing i have done to the is replace the 5-speed transmission in the car last weekend plus the wheel bearings, cv shafts and the motor in 2010.
Thanks Corey
a faulty map sensor will also cause this.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
corey jeffery wrote:I well check my fuses.
yes my check engines light is on because I pulled the relay out to turn it off and the other code it throw is the down steam o2 sensor which is because i remove the catalytic converter.
No the defrost is off. when i start the car i make sure everything is turn off less load on the engine warming up.
I check the plug on the sensor last night it looked fine to me and my temp gauge seem to work fine never going over 195. .
There are thing with the car i still don't understand like when i turn it to defrost on it turn the ac on to which i unplug that sensor in the winter time to stop that.
.Would a bad ground cause the problem?
The only thing i have done to the is replace the 5-speed transmission in the car last weekend plus the wheel bearings, cv shafts and the motor in 2010.
Thanks Corey
the answer is your check engine light. when it's on, the fan is on. simple as that.
as for the a/c coming on with the defroster, every vehicle that has functioning a/c will do this. it helps to dry out the interior speeding up the process of getting the fog off the glass.
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Kk thank you it stop with the engine light off..It is running good for now. But i think its time for a new wiring hardness of a good used one. Because the wiring get bad i was playing with the fuse box this morning and the car start started up plus i leave in 1 gear well it started rolling. so yeah
Thank you Capn Bloodbeard
I have the same problem when I turn the car off the fan runs normally for about 2 minutes but this time it ran for over an hour. The gauge read 105ish so the fan should have been off. Is there two sensors one that Controls the fan and one that controls the gauge inside the car? BTW I have a 2002 Sunfire with the 2.2 Ecotec. I had to pull the fuse to get the fan to turn off.
corey jeffery wrote:When its 40 degrees out side in the morning my 2003 cavalier like to keep the radiator fan stay on all the time.
Is your AC on (defrost)?
Am I correct that the radiator fan is on when the AC is on?
Recently replaced the engine in my 03 cav and upon startup everything seemed fine. Car reached abot 190 degees and the cooling fan came on and it now stays on no matter what the temperature.
I switched the relay with an identical one and it still stays on. It now throws this code P0132 HO2S-11 (Bank 1 Sensor 1) Circuit High Input.
If the fan is staying on, I would say try a new Coolant Temp Sensor, $20. I believe if it is unplugged or defective, it will detect out of range and keep the fan on to protect the engine vs not having it on at all.
The computer has tolerances and if the sensor is bad, its considered out of range. on an eco, its on the thermostat housing on the back of the engine, driver side, above the header/exhaust manifold. very quick and easy to replace with a simple open ended wrench, just make sure the engine is cool..its a bit toasty back there
however the P0132 code is O2 related and that has nothing to do with your fan.
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
blu04DD wrote:If the fan is staying on, I would say try a new Coolant Temp Sensor, $20. I believe if it is unplugged or defective, it will detect out of range and keep the fan on to protect the engine vs not having it on at all.
The computer has tolerances and if the sensor is bad, its considered out of range. on an eco, its on the thermostat housing on the back of the engine, driver side, above the header/exhaust manifold. very quick and easy to replace with a simple open ended wrench, just make sure the engine is cool..its a bit toasty back there 
however the P0132 code is O2 related and that has nothing to do with your fan.
just because its emissions related doesn't mean the fan wont come on.
when the CEL comes on, so does the fan.
ive had a p0440 code since i got my car 9 years ago, and it causes the fan to be on constantly. guess what? p0440 is an evaporative emissions general fault. wouldnt cause any strange runinng conditions, but so long as my car is running, the fan is on. its simply how the system works. CEL on = fan on.
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Ive had my post cat 02 sensor heater code for awhile and its not kicking on the fans all the time just when it gets hot.... i guess also mine is a 98 so its older
Erik Packard
I was about to say the CEL in my 95 base coupe didn't kick the fans on.
- Your not-so-local, untrained, uncertified, backyard mechanic. But my @!#$ runs
Ok, so i was gonna make the same thread as i am having this issue. i have a 2005 sunfire 2.2 ecotec. My rad fan IS ALWAYS ON when the engine is on. stays off when engine is off but everything else is. Throws a P0128 code when its being a pain and i keep resetting it.
i have already replaced the coolant temp sensor. it lasted maybe a week or two then came back to what it was. i'm at a loss here and winter is coming. haha. not to mention because of all this, the engine doesn't run AS smooth as it would with it off.
also it turns on when its supposed to on the days it decides to work well: i.e.) turns on when engine over heats or a/c is on.
someone please help me with this issue as id like to resolve it soon!