Hi guys,
I have just installed a new fuel pump.
My issue is after my first fill up just mintues ago my fuel guagr reads just below half?
I did have to wires up a new connection for the harness, Could this possibly be the issue( mixed up wires)
Is there a recailbration that should be done?
Or is my float simply just stuck/ installed wrong?
Other then the level everything seems to be great.
Any input would be appercated.
Thank you
There's no recalibration that I know of. Unfortunately it sounds like you either have an obstruction blocking the float or the wiring is wrong. Supposedly polarity doesn't matter with the 2 float wires but when I had my de-pinned I made sure to put them back in the same place on the new connector.
"In Oldskool we trust"
Thanks for the quick response,
Of hand does anyone know what wires are part of the guage?
what a pita it would be to have to take the tank out again.
I just addressed this on my 1st gen.Two wires for sender to gauge and you def have to make sure at least on like the old stuff the float is not touching anything and moves freely when test fitting.I have no idea on your gen but things are generally the same concept.My car showed full and sender was just toast no obstruction of the float.Heck after 29 yrs I cannot complain.
The polarity doesnt matter, I cut the wires on mine cause I modded the cup a LOT. I didnt pay attention to the polarity and tried both ways and it worked the same.
Last time i put it together before my winter mods though, the rubber o-ring that seals the tank to the top of the sending unit assy fell down around the cup and stopped the sender float arm from coming up above like "Half tank". I was in a hurry doing this cause it was a parking lot repair so I didnt catch it. Unfortunately you will have to drop the tank again and have a look-see.
This was on an '02 though.
"A car just isn't a car without a little blood, sweat, and beers." -- Shadowfire