Ive got a 1990 cavalier with the 2.2 auto. Head gasket is leaking drivers front corner under thermostat housing. Im really looking for torque specs and tightening sequence for everything. Intake, exhaust, rockers, headbolts..... you know
Buy the book . Auto parts store sell a book for about $20 with all that info. But don't forget to check if block or head is warped. if you have it all apart now is the best time to check.
Wow dude thanks for the help NOT..
sory gm service info goes back as far as 96 for the 2.2. its pretty technical the head bolts on each side have different torque spec 43ft/lbs and 46ft/lbs, all +90 degrees for a final pass. it doesnt state to replace the bolts but usual (but not always) whenever there is a +90 or more they are torque-to-yeild and are not reusable. the bolt tightening sequence holes are as followes; from top left straight across to top right 8 4 1 5 9 torque them to 46ft/lbs. bottom bolt sequence is as follows; 7 3 2 6 10 torque them to 43ft/lbs. all an additional 90degrees. all this is per gm spec for a 96 2.2. im not entirely sure if its the same for a 90.
I got that job done but thank you. Im on to bigger and better things. Looking for a header now. Thats a whole nother problem lol