hey i posted a message up before about the clicking sound my car is makeing from the front left side of the car when i turn. so i brought it to the dealer and they said that its normal and theres nothing we can do about it. i told them it cant be normal for when i turn my car makes a clicking sound any ideas sounds like the dealer dont want to fix the car.
Hey Im having the same problem with my car. Took it to dealer (i have warranty) and they *fixed it* by putting grease on the hood hinges because thats what caused it. But as I thought that couldn't have been the problem, it STILL makes the sound. I have a post titled "Too Weird to Explain...." in this maintenance forum and u can read what people may think it could be..well what it most likely is as I have always thought it had to do something with suspension, not the damn hood hinges...neway goodluck and tell them to kiss your ass (dealer) and find the problem and mention what you think it could be. If you have warranty still, they may ignore it by using that excuse (of nothing being wrong) so they save their own time and money. Tell them who's boss and take a stand when it comes to these mechanics cuz its either they want your money and they fix it right away or they just simply say sorry my time is valuable when I rip people off. lol.
hey yea it is under warrenty my car the greased the ball joins i think it was and they said it fixed it i got home and was backing up and it made it yea they really fixed it * i kept the paper saying it went in for service for the CV joint so if it does break i got the paper to show them that i brought it in and even if it isint under warrenty at the time it breaks they still got to fix it bc the didnt the first time so ill see wut happens but i like this car alot so im going to hold on to it even with this odd sound it makes
you sportin hub caps on that beast.........
yea the hub caps are on till they clean the roads and it stopes snowing then ill get rims for it i want the MR-7 silvers
take the hub caps off and try it then....maybe the caps are clicking
could that be it i no one of them is really @!#$ up from the old owner of the car i dont think they new how to drive ill try it tomorrow but it sound like its under the car
If it clicks more under acceleration while turning you have a bad drive shaft. Not too horrible for part cost but some labour involved.
<br><img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/8/web/728000-728999/728095_1.jpg">
Yes officer I knew the speed limit was 50
It depends on what kind of sound it is. Sounds like the dealer is
ing you. If it is a cliking sound when turning only two things come to my mind. 1. Your axle bearings are shot, 2. Your strut bearings. Of corse i cant tell you the real problem because i cant listen to it. From my experience if it is a fast cliking sound when you are moving it is most likely your axles and if it is a slow cliking sound whilr moving or still it is most likely your strut bearings.
its a fast clicking sound that wont stop unless i stop the car or i fix the wheel so im going in a straight line if im turing it does it and if im backing up seems to do it more when i back up into a parking spot or out of a driveway but it does do it pulling into a parking sport dont seem to do it if im turing onto another street or anything like that just when im starting to get going.
hey wus up all? anyway just offering some of my technical insight. all of you with clicking or knocking rather, sounds whilst moving or turning should check yo
CV Joints yeah its kinda like a U joint on a drive shaft but a U joint wouldn help much on a halfshaft due to the fact that uh.... its constantly turning U joints stay strait anyway first turn your wheel one way, all the way and look at the rubber boot if its torn on any side its probly worn out. and im not sure but didnt i post a reply similar to this on another of your questions something like uhm.. off my head
popping niose under acceleration I think dat wus you if not oh well maybe everone has tis problem
the fastest jbody?