I have a 99z and change the oil regularly every 3 months or 5000km. I recently started noticing when I change the oil, there is a lot less that comes out then what I had originally put it. Now I checked for oil leakes but there is no spots on the driveway.
I also passed emissions last year so i dont think that I'm burning oil but I could be wrong. Is this normal for the 2.4 engine? Anyone else having this issue??
What are some of the ways that could affect oil level other then the obvious Leaks and burning oil? Is there anything else I could look for?
Thanks in Advance.
how much are you losing every 3k?? about 1 quart every 3k is normal. At least according to GM
my 96 motor ate nothing from 70k to 135k when i ripped it out. My 2k motor i dont think burns oil. knock on wood.
The most I've used is a 1/8-1/4 of a quart at a 3K interval. But usually mines does not burn it.
If you are burning, try a ?w40 as the 40 grade is a little thicker therefore harder to burn.
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-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----
mine depends how hard i drive it , the easier i am the less it uses , the harder i am the more it eats
but ive never been less than 1 qt
I have the same problem, I have to add a litre or half a litre, between oil changes, and I change my oil around 3,000km to 3,500 km, check around valve covers your likely leaking from thier, thats where my oil is leaking from.
<img src="http://www.trenzhost.com/files/haroracer/black.psd.gif">
I think most of the oil consumption is normal, but you could check the to see if your breather box is at clogged up. i belive like a cloged or stuck PCV, a clogged breather box would cause you to burn oil too.
1979 Impala Sport Coupe Aeroback
How many miles you have on your 99? Mine didn't eat any oil until right at 80k miles. Then it started eating a quart every 3k miles. I know of several people who have had roughly the same experience.
2002 SFGT
i use mobil 1 5w-30
i had to add 1.5L the other day i doubt i hit 2k after the oil change when i needed to add that. No leakes... no signs of burning...
but then again.... i rev the $)(*^_ out of it driving.
Yeah, mine burned about a quart ever 3,000 with 5w30 too, not a big deal. I switched up to 10w30 though and now only loose about 1/4 of a quart per 3k.
My car has 139,000 km. Never really payed attention to it until last oil change which was during winter and it seemed like i lost more then a quart but not sure. I'm going to change the oil this weekend and see exactly how much drains out. I don't feel to worried now that people are saying 1qrt is normal. Let's hope it it not more then that
Thanks for the help guys.
2002 2.4.. It's burned 1-1.5 qts between oil changes since day 1. The dealer swears this is normal..
Dark blue 2002 Z24, 2.4 Ltr.
The oil consumption is not a problem, as long as you keep it topped up. Don't just let it go down a litre thinking "this is cool, my cars not the only one".
If the oil is low, top it up!
<img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v331/gutty96/9c0c7e2f.gif>
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