I have a 00 z24, so my power window switch is in the middle of the console, like all of you guys know. My question is, how to i remove the little square cover in the console to get at the switches without destroying my dash and center console... The reason i want to get at the switch is because my passenger side window, will occasionally not want to go up, it goes up a inch at a time then maybe after 3-5 mins it will go up all the way if i dont try to move it. thanks
The switch is not the cause of the window not going up, it sounds like the motor is shot.
However, to answer your question, If its like my sunfire, Just pull straight up.
The switch would then be connected to the trim piece that it rests in. YOu can easily see how its clipped it from there.
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true."
yeah it sounds like a motor
how much do the power window motor's usually cost?
alot , its easier to replace the whole regulator assembly
or you can get a cheap motor off ebay
I payed $188 for the motor in my rear driverside window about 4 weeks ago.
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true."
i got one at a wrecking yard for $35.
I would have wrote you a poem, but I couldn't find anything that rhymed with F@#K OFF!
i bought my passenger window motor off ebay for 15$, went to the dealership and had them put it on for 55$, and i have never been happier. its been working great for over a month.
Wait until it completely dies, unless your really anal and need perfection.
Reason why I am saying this is because I have a 93 toyota corolla that the drivers side window goes up about half way then stops, and it takes an attempt or two on the button again to get it to finish, but its been like that for 7 years, still works!