Cavis in Las Vegas???? - South Pacific Region Forum
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Just looking to connect with other Cavi owners in town. I can't believe there isn't a club around Vegas. Or is there?
hey brah i am in las vegas. i own a 97 red 4 dr. with altezzas. if you have seen me let me know. i am gonna be going to the next midnight mayhem so i will let you know the day of or maybe before and we can meet up somewhere. any one else in vegas want to meet up let me know
Brett, Have'nt seen you around. Let me know when the next midnite mayhem is. Would like to go. Run my car for real. I have one of those Gtechs and my best time "according to it" is 15...2 in the 1/4 @ 92 doubt if it's accurate. Without the spray !!!! We should hook up before that though. What part of town you in????
yea the next midnight mayhem is the 15 or the 17 of this month. yea i wanna run my car just to see how it does. its a 2.2 ohv with a short ram intake and exhaust. i am gonna do a 2.4 swap in it soon so yea i am on the west side of town....durango and 215 to be exact..what part of henderson are you in? my cuz lives out there..
hey it is actually the 19 of this month to be exact
Loking forward to midnite mayhem. How much is it to run and how many runs do you usually get. I knowit gets busy at the track.
I live at Horizon Ridge and Stephanie and 215 kinda on the hills next to Black mountain.
Lets hook up before then. I ordered my header, under drive pulley and mounts today.
Maybe this weekend or next week, we can grab some lunch or hit a club.
hey is yer cav silver with a white kit...i think i saw you tonight on flamingo and vegas blvd. i was at the outback steak house...
That was me. I was headed for the paris hotel for an audition.
yea i liked your cav. it caught my eye right when i heard it. so yea i will definatly be at the next mayhem
Hey guys, what's up...I'm in Vegas too. Moving into a house on Simmons and W. Lone Mountain. I don't think I'll be able to go to the midnight mayhem because I start working nights next week, but we are planning a little house warming party in January. I figure that'll be a great time to get some J-body people together to meet and whatnot. I'll keep y'all posted. <br>
I knew there was more than two of us around. Whatsup turbostitch? Congrats on the new home!!! We all need to coordinate and hook up real soon. later
Hey Turbo, I see you are in the air force. Are you involved in the airshow this weekend? I plan to be there on Sunday.
hey guys there is one more guy in this town that i have seen. he has a 2000 cav z24 with all kinds of mods. i wish he posted on the org. but yea definatly looking forward to meeting you two. and glad there is more than 2 of us here. hey turbo stich what car you running. cav fire sunbird whats up?
I havent seen the 2000 Z24 . . . . will keep a look out for it. I gotta get my NOS bottle filled for next weekend. I hopefully will receive my header and pulley b4 then.
No, I'm not involved with the air show...I have to work. I'm off on Monday and Tuesday, though. As for my car, I'm running a 2003 Cav Arrival Blue Metallic. A few mods under the hood, and nothing on the exterior yet. I'm in the process of ordering an EVO carbon fiber hood. I pay it off with this coming paycheck on Monday. If y'all wanna give me a holler Sunday after 10pm or anytime Monday or Tuesday. My cell number is (702)335-1564. BTW, I know of this other guy on base that has a silver '98 Cav (I think) with a Bomex kit, lowered. I'll see if I can get in touch with him sometime soon, get him on here too. <br>
so midnight mayhem is tomorrow and i will be there. are you guys gona go. maybe we can meet up there or sumthing. it starts at 10
Hey there Brett...yeah...I managed to work the schedule at work and be able to be off tonight. I figure that the three of us can meet at the Wal-Mart on Craig and Las Vegas (just off base) and drive up there together. Y'all can go ahead and give me a call and let me know what you think. BTW...Brian...your cav rocks!!!!

Midnight Mayhem was sweet!!!!!!! Not to bad. . .3 runs in 3 hours. Best run was 16.507.
Lots of wheel spin in first and second. Just could not get hooked up. Not to bad though for the first time. Best r/t was .253
Hey turbo did you ever run into Brett......Brett did you go? We looked around for you.
I got spanked by turbos in all 3 races. I want a turbo now!!!!!! We were pretty even till the 1000' mark and then see ya. They would get me by 2 seconds. I was actually ahead at the 60' and the 330' at the 1/8 mile they would get me by a 10th or 2 and then they would come on and spank me.....Oh well lot's of fun and definatly a learning experience.
hey guys. sorry i couldnt get to go last night. i had gotten called into work. i was hella pissed. but we will meet up some other time...sweet runs brian. i wish i could have been there last night. i wanted to run sooo bad
Hey Brett Next midnite mayhem is Feb 25. Hopefully we can all connect before then. Turbo you still around??? Work must be killing you now, 10 days straight...brutal. Lets hook up again when you get a free day.
Yeah, MM was so much first time too. My best was 16.558....not too bad for an auto.

On my first race, my R/T was a 1.584, but then I was ready for the lights on the second and third races. 2nd was a .746 and the 3rd was a .574. I had so much fun...I can already feel myself getting addicted.

Wish you would have been able to go Brett. Maybe next time. Well, two days down and 8 to go....but who's counting? My next free night will be on Tuesday the 30th....maybe we can all hook up then. If not, I only have one more week on night after that, then I have 4 days off, and then I go to a 5on/3off/5on/1off schedule. Well, I guess that's all for to y'all laters. <br>
whats up guys my name is obviously dave and to let u guys know that there is a club in town called the j body crew we are new and always looking for serious potential serious about there cars members. anyways maybe u have seen me around town i drive the blue or cavalier with the blitz body kit rimmed up and a big @!#$ acme 2 sticker on the side. anyways best time i ever got with my cavalier was a 15.4 at mm with an intake. anyways guys hit me up and maybe we can meet up and expand the j body crew
welcome dave. so you said you have an acme 2 sticker on the side of your ride. so u must know eddie tan that runs it right? anyways i am interested in joining the crew. lately i have been seeing a bunch of cavs around guys. the other day i saw the 2000 z24 that i was talking about. and i saw a 03 yellow cav dropped with a blue graphics kit and a spoiler on it. so yea this would be a cool club. all of us should meet up sometime. i am off work thursday and fridays. i dont know what everyone elses schedule is but maybe we can tweak our schedules one night and meet up......any specific locations in mind???
that guy that u saw with the blue graphics and the spoiler was my boy josh who is also apart of the j body crew oh and its a 04 not to be smart he just gets pissed about that lol anyways we really dont have a set time and place where we meet or anything but maybe if we get enough people to meet maybe we can set something up. as far as acme 2 goes i know all the people there ed and chris and good amount of other people who go there. they are all great peeps.
Glad to see more owners around, Hey David.... I asume that was you I met at MM. I had the 03 silver cavy with the Bomex. Kept spinning on my launch....I suck!
Anyway we all need to set a time and day and hook it up.
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