Ok here is how it went down... me and another j-body friend were out cruising the streets of so. cal (specifically Glendora) and the cop cited me for following the car in front of me too close. This is the trickey part... i was following the j-body in front of me (04silvercavy) and i was ATLEAST 3-4 car lengths behind him and he agrees. Is there anyway that i can fight it and win if i get 04silvercavy to come with me to court during the contest hearing? Just need some opinions on what i can do to fight it...
CODE: 21703VC - Following too close.
well how fast were you going? 3-4 car lengths at high ways pseeds is nothing.
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Haha, sucks for you man, that's one of those pussy tickets that cops give out at the end of the month to meet their quota.
that is what i said after because less than two minutes after he pulled away from us he already had someone else pulled over with the ticket book out.
all you have to do is if your friend was the one u were "tail gating' go to court plead not guilty.. youll get anotehr date this time bring your friend.. as long as he was the one u were tailgating and he says you werent u should be fine..
That was what i had planned on doing, i just hope the judge doesnt take the cops side anyways, because you can bet this ticket is going to be expensive.