Hey guys,
Now that my parents have moved to Denver, Denver becomes a real nice place to visit. So, I was wondering if anyone could let me know of any big shows that may come to Denver. It'd make a nice trip to come visit my folks and do a show too. Not sure how big the Sport Compact scene is there, though.
Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.
screw denver... we've got NOPI and HIN coming to Phoenix this year!
<img src=http://fox302.com/userdata/grn99cav/files/funnies/newsig.jpg>
And we're just so proud of you Arizona!!!! *end sarcasm*
Not sure what all's going on this summer but we'll keep you posted Ian.
^^^ i was down in tucson for 3 weeks almost 2 months ago....it was a very nice change from our snowy cold BS winters up here
CO winters rock you turd burgalur
Not when you have nothing to drive except a RWD V8!!! Snow + Mustang = Damage
Matt Williams wrote:^^^ i was down in tucson for 3 weeks almost 2 months ago....it was a very nice change from our snowy cold BS winters up here
Oh yeah, you have it real rough in Colorado... It was freakin 50+ degrees and sunny the whole week and a half I was there. Try 14 and always cloudy here in Detroit. I would trade winters any day!
Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.
Yeah, so Colorado isnt THAT bad...
....but u should have seen Arizona. It was like 65 the whole time I was down there
Be here when we do get some snow though.
Yeah no kiding....I did $3200 worth of damage to the stang this winter...hit a curb at 10 mph in the snow.
lol come to colorado when we REALLY have snow....and you wont even be able to move your car 5 inches....last year i think it was..or the year before we had a snow so bad my neighbor couldnt get his huge ass dodge ram out of his driveway.....the plows couldnt run there was so much snow.....try that on for size...and thats in the suburbs...imagine what it was like in the mountains
Ian just drive an additional 18 hours to San Diego for HIN or is it HID. You def have a couch at my palce to crash anytime.
Ian Lacey wrote:Matt Williams wrote:^^^ i was down in tucson for 3 weeks almost 2 months ago....it was a very nice change from our snowy cold BS winters up here
Oh yeah, you have it real rough in Colorado... It was freakin 50+ degrees and sunny the whole week and a half I was there. Try 14 and always cloudy here in Detroit. I would trade winters any day!
its in the mid to upper 80's for this week
gotta love AZ
its in the mid to upper 80's for this week
gotta love AZ
It snowed here again last night. I hate snow. And cold. I want to go back to AZ
yup damn snow, i have been reluctant to wash and wax the cavy due to the snow. Except i didn't even do it for the nearly 2 weeks of good weather we have.
Got to love colorado, one morning i arrive at work at 8am, sunny about 50 degrees, by 10am its snowing and around 30, and then by 4:30 when i left work it was, about 40 degrees and the roads were dry and only partly couldy... damn colorado weather.
'02 LS Sport - Indigo Blue
I hate this damn state. If I had it my way I would be back in detroit in a heart beat. Then again this is coming from a framers perspective.
Even pure genius is born out of insanity.
JJ...didn't you have a lot of down time in the winter in Detroit?
Not really. Back east its go go go. Like the post office minus the guns.
Even pure genius is born out of insanity.