did anyone hear of a car accident on saturday that involved two guys. The driver fell asleep and hit a telephone poll, i believe. They were both my cousins, the oldest was John Longo and the other was Robbie. If you have any more info please let me know because i live in Georgia and really have no way in getting back in touch with my family.
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tyler phillips wrote:did anyone hear of a car accident on saturday that involved two guys. The driver fell asleep and hit a telephone poll, i believe. They were both my cousins, the oldest was John Longo and the other was Robbie. If you have any more info please let me know because i live in Georgia and really have no way in getting back in touch with my family.
What city/state was it in? The SM region is quite large man. Sorry to hear that though.
Jason P.
Illusive Dreams
Denver Based Photographer
Specializing in Portrait, Event and Automotive Photography
http://illusivedreams.zenfolio.com (newest work)
http://www.myspace.com/jaycejwu (add me)
yeah i saw the truck this mornig on the news and it was pretty messed up
Soory to hear that man, that blows.......................
I'll have a sig someday....................
i appreciate the responses, and thanks for the link to the paper. If you guys here anything else about Robert Warhime, the one that was in critical condition, i would really appreciate it.
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do you know if they are listed in the phone book ?
and a name or address , we can try to get you there phone #
I was able to find a Shannon Longo Listed off brown rd if they live in mesa. There is also a few John Longos listed in glendale and phoenix.
sorry to hear about your loss man
"Theres a time in every mans life where he hits a cross roads and...wait...are you wearing panties?"
Try Robert Warehime, i think he lives in mesa, and also Pamela Moore, and i think she lives in Mesa also. If you find out any info please just email me at phillip7@gpc.edu, i would really appreciate because no one else has called us to give us any more information.
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Thanks for all of the kindness and generosity, my aunt finally called us and told us what was going on. I am glad i can be apart of an organization that helps so greatly. I appreciate it, and if your on the east coast and need anything just let me know.
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im glad your family called you
its gotta kinda suck to find out about a accident involvoing your family over the news , instead of from your family
we wish them well