heres them pics you all wanted to see.
i caught up with the guy at 11:30pm, when he was sitting at the gas station recieving a ticket. so the pics i took of his car are a little dark.
i also told him about the site, so hopefully he'll join
oh yeah, his cav is a 99 with a 2.2L 4spd.
website comming soon!
More than likely some random guy off the streets who found a body kit on ebay or something. Riding around GA I see fully hooked up cavs on bags, boosted, full fiberglass interior and I ask if they mess with JBO and they usually don't want to, have already, or never heard of it.
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
well your right, he did say that he got all his parts from ebay, lol,
he also said he had his cav droped but put it back to stock cuz he was messing up his kit.
i also have to agree jason, he does need to loose that wing & them chrome ugly tail lights, i can NOT stand seeing cav/fire's with alteeza tails! its like every time you turn around you see a car with em!
he sure did love my JDM tails, CF Trunk lid & my WW adjustable commando wing
[gota love being different]
website comming soon!
and that R racing banner, good god, very ugly cavalier
Needs a drop? Looks like he's already busted up the front bumper! Prolly from charging up a driveway...personally, the only thing I like about that car are the projectors.
oh yeah, and he gotsa loose that "BRA" lol
website comming soon!
hes gotta lose the
painted drums
R Racing windshield banner
R Racing stickers on front bumper
R Racing stickers on side windows
then he needs to fix the crack in his front bumper and get black corners to match the black projectors
Tell him just to get a new car! LOL
lmfao @ Ant & Matt
hey now, paint drums are the shiznit!
[i'ma paint mines gloss black
website comming soon!