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Hey everyone. I'm new here. Just wondering if there are any members in the Coldlake/Bonnyville area. I'm pretty new to this province as it is so I'm just looking around I guess haha.
let me be the first to welcome you, whats your plans on the GT?
"As I lay rubber down the street, I pray for traction I can keep, but if I spin and begin to slide, please dear God protect my ride." -Amen
You know. I bought it rather reluctantly. I owned a 99 Cavalier and had one of those classic horror stories with it. BUT! The GT is gonna be kept around for a while I'm thinking. First thing I plan on doing is replacing the windshield. I also have to change the speakers or the sound system on a whole. One of the previous owners killed one of the rear speakers, and the volume control and tune knobs barely work. I also painted the vents red today. It looks pretty good.
Other than going with a red/black theme on the inside I think I'll change the wheels when the weather breaks in a month or two.
"As I lay rubber down the street, I pray for traction I can keep, but if I spin and begin to slide, please dear God protect my ride." -Amen
Yeah. No real performance mods planned. To be honest I wouldn't know where to begin on the Sunfire. But who knows.
hey welcome, im down in two hills which is about an hour and abit south of your area
xtremepimpin wrote:hey welcome, im down in two hills which is about an hour and abit south of your area
I've worked near two hills a few times. I don't think I've ever been to the town itself though.
Is there any kind of car club or anything of the sort in the area?
Well there is a club in the calgary area called "GM tuners of calgary" I am a member and enjoy going to visit with other 4 cyl enthusiasts. We have meets pretty often usually about aver 2 weeks.
I am looking for struts for my newly aquired Eibach pro-kit performance coils, If anybody has some?
Welcome from Edmonton. If you have any questions about the car at all, fire away, I'll help to the best of my knowledge.
I need a new sig.
ya just dont ask Brad about the 2.4 lol

, rest of the car you can ask him though, stick to electrical though the guy is like a guru, between that and the 2.2/2200
"As I lay rubber down the street, I pray for traction I can keep, but if I spin and begin to slide, please dear God protect my ride." -Amen
If I were you, I'd at least do an intake. I've put one on almost all my cars, and it really helps with MPGs when you keep your foot out of it. A cheap one from eBay/cosmo racing will easily pay for itself. Welcome to JBO.
2010 Honda Fit LX
Tony T Crams wrote:If I were you, I'd at least do an intake. I've put one on almost all my cars, and it really helps with MPGs when you keep your foot out of it. A cheap one from eBay/cosmo racing will easily pay for itself. Welcome to JBO.
I'll look into it. I want to do something. I hate having a completely stock car. It's just so boring. That's why I've started doing somethings to the Sunfire to start making it my own. I've tinted the back windshiled, need to do the two quarter panel windows. Hopefully I'll get off work early enough tomorrow to do that. I've also painted my vents red. Turned out a lot better than I've thought. I also ordered a Sparco red/black shift knob.
But back to the intake. Besides from over all MPG's what other benefits does it have?
4-8 Horsepower depending on supporting mods to car, also exhaust will help breath a bit better, start with catback and then hi-flo cat and a header 2 styles to choose from 4-1 and 4-2-1- both breath better but which one you get depends on build
"As I lay rubber down the street, I pray for traction I can keep, but if I spin and begin to slide, please dear God protect my ride." -Amen
and i happen to have a stans/izuzu 4-2-1 header looking for a new home

, but no car clubs around this way at all
no closest in northern was when I lived there a few of us gathered for meets
"As I lay rubber down the street, I pray for traction I can keep, but if I spin and begin to slide, please dear God protect my ride." -Amen
AJ B wrote:4-8 Horsepower depending on supporting mods to car, also exhaust will help breath a bit better, start with catback and then hi-flo cat and a header 2 styles to choose from 4-1 and 4-2-1- both breath better but which one you get depends on build
wrong, all an "intake" (better described as a tube with round filter on the end) does is make acool "woosh" sound under heavy acceleration.
an actual intake on the other hand, (meaning from throttle body to head) would do something.
Iprolly know more of the DOHC 2.4 than you, AJ. why do you think I don't trust it?
I need a new sig.
I think I trust a 14 second car, but adding more air into the engine is a good thing depending on the mods proven that lo mani does increase, and proven the ho loses horsepower, plus depending what his plans are the stocker could be the best for it, plus analyze the exhaust tones after and before the short ram or long ram intake changes the tone a bit AND changes the decibel but if your going by the 2.2 (like you have) barely does a thing
"As I lay rubber down the street, I pray for traction I can keep, but if I spin and begin to slide, please dear God protect my ride." -Amen
i say toss a eco in GT
The intake is something I might look into. I poked around the cosmo racing page a bit and seen a couple mods I might look into. Like a short throw shifter. But I was informed by a police officer that my front windshiled would fail inspection and I should get it replaced sooner than later. It was cracked and chipped when I got it inspected though. But one of the cracks has spread a fair bit. Also any recomendations on a good set of rubber? I want something for when the weather finally changes. Either some good touring or all
Cosmo was good to me. I usually check for what's available. Just enter in your tire size and find something you like. Shipping from them isn't that bad, and the prices are better than what shops here charge even after shipping (not sure what prices in cold lake are like, but I know up here everything is marked up more than the rest of the world. Its kind of like doing all your shopping at the airport all the time).
2010 Honda Fit LX
AJ B wrote:I think I trust a 14 second car, but adding more air into the engine is a good thing depending on the mods proven that lo mani does increase, and proven the ho loses horsepower, plus depending what his plans are the stocker could be the best for it, plus analyze the exhaust tones after and before the short ram or long ram intake changes the tone a bit AND changes the decibel but if your going by the 2.2 (like you have) barely does a thing
just like I would sooner trust proven dyno results over a "14 second car". any air flow system can only flow so much at it's most congested point, in the 2.4's case. that would be the manifold. with the LN2 pushrod 2.2, that point is the throttle body. My mani flows more air than the LO mani does.
I need a new sig.
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