hey guys for the past 2 days my car has been shifting into second while its in DRIVE and then it hits the rev limiter which is 6200 i think but sometimes it goes to 6500 and bogs down, this only happens when im on it full throttle but its making me loose mad time at the track and on street races. I dont think this is a tranny problem, im thinking its the computer being messed up or something because about a week ago i had my supercharger reflash from gm after i installed the kit. No lights at all show up when this happens or anything it just hits the rev limiter and bogs the car down
anyone have any tips cause this really sucks.
Mine does the same thing on my beretta except when its shifting frmo 1st to 2nd and WOT, i try to left off a little bit and then go WOT again and it usualy does it still. I honestly dont know what it is, my car is 11 years old and has 122k miles so i wouldnt doubt if its the tranny.
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I'm missunderstand something...your upset cause your hitting the limiter in 2nd and it's not shifting?
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
ok, i mash the gas from lets say 0 or 20mph (does it either way) and it shifts into second arond 40 mph but it hits the rev limiter at like 6500 and bogs down then slowly goes up to third, when it hits the rev limiter the rpm's go down and i loose mad time, this has only started to happen recently, my dad thinks its when the boost peaks and its spinning but the trac light never comes on or anything. could my trans be going out in 2nd gear?
my dads cavi does that sometmies too, dont know why tho
i just took my dad for another ride in it and he says its the rev limiter and thats what im thinking cause it goes to 6500, no other gears do that, i must be making decent power in my car since the charger i guess for it to build up rpm's that fast that the computer cant stop it from hitting maybe? is there anything i can buy so i can adjust my shift points or anything? thanks
p.s. if i let off the gas alittle at about 6,000 it goes straight through 2nd onto 3rd with no problems, i guess i gotta know how to drive the car alittle better now.