Is this header an exact match to the ports on the 98+ heads? I know the obx one claims to be 98-02 but the ports DO NOT LINE UPkinda like its for the older 2.2 head. I need to know because im doing my port and polish soon and it would be silly to have a header that will mess with the ports.
spray some paint on top of the head, with the header on, then when you take the head off, you will see how much you can pp
I need a new sig =(
Yes, it is an exact match. I have the same header. Also, OBX now has a header specifically for the 98-02 head.
sorry guys, the obx header for the 98-02 head is still incorrect, the ports do not line up. i have the header and a head here in my home looking at them and they do not match up. guess obx crapped out and still used the 95-97 flange.
oh, i didn't know that. I noticed that they now had a 98-02 and a 95-97 header, so i assumed that they changed. I would go with the Pacesetter anyway.
Can anyone verify that the ports are centered to the 98+ head?
Yes, It bolts up really nice, and the ports are perfect.
But I would also recommend that you spend a little extra and get the High temp coating, so it doesn't look crappy 3 months later when all the paint is burned off and it is starting to rust and corrode.....arrg...
'99 2200 LS CX1 Sport
the port on the 97-older head is alot larger than the 98-02 head
the port on the pacesetter header is large enough that the 98-02 port isnt blocked
best would be to get a gasket and port match to the gasket