alright i got the cav together and the wide-band it telling me i am running really rich all through the rpms at idol it will be at 13.5 and if i am cruising around town it will be at 14.7 and if its wot goes to 11.7. what was done to the car. and if i rev it up it will stick at 3 grand for like a couple seconds and drop down after.
msd neon swap
secret cams
full exhaust
and i just replaced both o2 sensor
any help would be great thanks
8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
what other advice do you need than tune it?
87 Firebird
No doubt. What did you expect? You have an s/c, right? If its running so rich, kick@!#$ some air down its throat.
That was actually the area my car was running on stock GM N/A tune. I used HPT and leaned it out.
FU Tuning
alright i just wanted to make sure there was no other problems but it gets tuned the 1st . i thought it would lean out more with the ported head instead of run rich
8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
its running alot slower than before to could this be because the need of the tune?
8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
you sure its running slower or just moved the powerband so differently you think its slower?
and yes... you need a tune.
the ported head no doubtingly has meant a loss in torque though. pat ported it for a supercharged application. and with your addition of header and exhaust... yep. your probably feeling the loss of torque.
my car is slow as dirt off the line man, no torque whatsoever. yours is probably doing the same.
I'm tired of wasting my time... now I'm breakin' free.
mine gets a good jump for like a second and dies out
8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
also is there anyway to tell if timing is off? it sometime is rough at idel
8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100