hey, i tried asking this in the newbie part, but nobody seemed like they wanted to help..i have a 98 cav. it has a plastic intake on it right now,, are the aluminum ones interchange able or do i have to mod it some how?
intake manifold or the intake pipe to filter? also what motor?
the actual intake manifold itself.. and sorry its a 2.2l motor. auto trans if it makes a difference..
As far as I know, There are no actual aftermarket manifolds for any year 2.2.
It's possible. But I haven't seen one mass produced..
I have seen some that people have made.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, July 01, 2009 3:58 PM
cross posting is a no-no.
sorry guys,,im talking about the intake manifold...sorry if you miss understood or i was explaining wrong..i have the plastic manifold..does the aluminum manifold bolt right right and is everything there that i need?