Id probably stay away, you can find a good used one for that much more than likely
I was going to go with an LSJ Pacesetter 4-1 setup (wanted the top end to be helped out after i put on the s/c which would benefit the low end already), but someone locally may have a great deal on a used tsudo header (4-2-1). His doesnt leak either, which i think they may be notorious for...
So I too am curious what ya'll prefer and have tested!
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
Get the pacesetter, we have them in stock.

Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
Turbo Tech Racing wrote:Get the pacesetter, we have them in stock.
What he said. Pacesetter is probably the best header you can get for these cars. Looks like they're on sale right now anyways, though personally I would reccomend spending the extra cash and getting the armor coated header.
80 bucks for a header is fine... if you like broken welds, or broken anything else on your header.
i find it amusing that SHOoff has nothing better to do but follow me around & be an unhelpful dick in even cross-forum. - Jon Mick
do any LSJ headers work on our cars, direct bolt on? Ive noticed some sites carry more options for Cobalts than Cavaliers.
Im thinking the LSJ Pacesetter black/coated for $160 (+$25shipping) on TTR if i cant find a better price...but Id need to have a custom dp fab'd up and it still leaves the cat, resonater, dual out muffler, to shop for! O.o
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
blu04DD wrote:LSJ Pacesetter armor coated
Fixed and that is the most common header ran on supercharged L61s. The painted ones will rust out, but the armor coating helps prevent rust plus keeps under hood temps down.
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On ecotec forums there was a thread comparing both the Tsudo and Pacesetter and I think the primaries where smaller than the exhaust runners on the L61 pacesetter but the LSJ one were good.
I do like the pacesetter TTR has, but ZZP sells the complete setup if you just want to buy it all at once. I am going s/c so I need the 1.75" primaries and in TX need a cat, so it has the spun metal cat built in along with the downpipe/flex, clamps, and you can even get a $50 credit for returning your stock Cat to them for recycling (inwhich they pay the prepaid lable to do so!). I just have to find out if they'll take my stock Jbody cat (shouldnt matter).
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
blu04DD wrote:I do like the pacesetter TTR has, but ZZP sells the complete setup if you just want to buy it all at once. I am going s/c so I need the 1.75" primaries and in TX need a cat, so it has the spun metal cat built in along with the downpipe/flex, clamps, and you can even get a $50 credit for returning your stock Cat to them for recycling (inwhich they pay the prepaid lable to do so!). I just have to find out if they'll take my stock Jbody cat (shouldnt matter).
they're underpaying you for returning your cat. i got $130 for mine sold to a local guy.
also, that looks like a painted header, expect it to rust through inside a year and a half.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, January 27, 2012 8:02 AM
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in my opinion im running the RK Sport 4-2-1 header and my car flows good and sound simalar to a subaru with a a high flow cat and a vibrant exhaust but that about a 1000 dollar if not a little more now. but it works good and flows real nice i get complements on the sound all the time. also to get a good sound you have to pay the top dollar mostly to like any part they give you what you pay
Rich Grayo Jr. wrote:blu04DD wrote:I do like the pacesetter TTR has, but ZZP sells the complete setup if you just want to buy it all at once. I am going s/c so I need the 1.75" primaries and in TX need a cat, so it has the spun metal cat built in along with the downpipe/flex, clamps, and you can even get a $50 credit for returning your stock Cat to them for recycling (inwhich they pay the prepaid lable to do so!). I just have to find out if they'll take my stock Jbody cat (shouldnt matter).
they're underpaying you for returning your cat. i got $130 for mine sold to a local guy.
also, that looks like a painted header, expect it to rust through inside a year and a half.
Looks painted, and either way you will need a custom downpipe made as the ones for cobalts dont fit to j-bodies. Of course thats going to be under a 100 bucks at the exhaust shop.
1994 Saturn SL2 Home Coming Edition: backup car
2002 Chevy Cavalier LS Sport Coupe: In a Junk Yard
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pacesetter lsj header BY FAR THE BEST MOD DONE TO MY CAR (besides the blower) as far as complimenting other mods. The header comes with a "downpipe" section that is indeed just the ball joint end of the dowpipe. but any decent exhaust shop should be able to get the rest of the DP made and welded to the part that comes with the LSJ header. I have the LSJ pacesetter coated, with a custom 2.5 inch DP and love it love it love it.
Yup a lot of cavalier/sunfire owners get the LSJ pacesetter header kit from us.

Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
Why dont any of the sites ever mention the primary diameters? thats kind of essential. As Im needing the larger 1.75" ones due to being supercharged soon.
And, do the TTR ones include the O2 sensor location or do you have to have one made?
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
does foe sure. I used them to make sure that other sites model nnumbrer are correct.
1994 Saturn SL2 Home Coming Edition: backup car
2002 Chevy Cavalier LS Sport Coupe: In a Junk Yard
1995 Mazda Miata R-package Class=STR
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Kronos Performance
WPI Class of '12 Mechanical Engineering
WPI SAE Risk and Sustainability Management Officer