What does everyone recommend for breaking in a rebuilt engines. I've seen quite a few opinions on line but wanted to see what the j-body scene thinks.
I know a few people have said to use the procedure at this site. Thoughts?
"You can only feed them semen for so long before their legs fall off."
I go with the drive it like you stole it method. Beat the hell out of it and back. Every motor we have ever built or installed has been done this way and they are all still running to this day and running well. seat the rings and go with it.
I plan to break mine in....like I stole it.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
although my dad firmly believes in what these two above do i just cant bring myself to do that to a brand new engine LOL.
there is no right way or wrong way to do this honestly. its just whatever you prefer. engine break in procedure is done differently by everybody and their brother.
this is my way...
basically, i drive a new engine calmly for the first 50-100 miles so i can diagnose any issues that may arise (and not cause any more if something IS wrong). then i change the oil and proceed to go out and do small burst pulls in a lower gear, up and down letting the engine decelerate the car. this seats the rings nicely. after that its balls to the wall.
as for the bearings, by the time you are done assembling an engine with all the rotation you should be doing, turning it after each bearing install they are usually pretty good. especially if you check oil pressure and crank the engine over with the starter on the stand/bench before you install it.

M45/OS crank/2.4 snout. It's nice to be injected but I love being blown!