Have a m62 ecotec
Pacesetter header magnaflow cat and resonator with a magnaflow muffler all 2.5in
I just heard my car from the outside for the first time like a week ago and it was way to ricey for me so I switched to a flow master single in dual out still sounds bad.
I don't get it what's causing the high pitch fart can sound?
And what sounds deep and still flows good?
2002 cavy 2.2 ecotec m62 Getrag trans
Well unfourtionatly the 4 cylender causes that sound. But i got ebay header, 3in exhaust eith a moroso sprial flow as my resonator per say and a thrust welded muffer at the rear and mine sounds good and deep. Mines a ld9 tho, the moroso helped my sound alot. Im also running no cat. Hope that helps man if you want i could get a video up in the next cupple days

I Love My J ♡
Sleepin zzzzz yeah can you post a video for us? Thanks.
Nothing will make a supercharged car sound "good".
But I have a similar setup to you, but I have a huge resonator on there. I believe I have the 28" magnaflow. Sounds good but it is very loud when you get on it.
I got a video on youtube of in the car doing a pull that i can post, but as far as exterior will have to wait till i fix my muffler, as i have no flex pipe in my exhaust and while doing a burn out my back hanger ripped off my thrush putting a hole in it causing it to sound like piss lol

I Love My J ♡
Now THIS is an amazing muffler!
I ordered this because one of the first reviews (not mine) said they put it on their cavalier and it sounded amazing, so I took a chance and ordered it. I got it in the mail, put in on, (you will need two pipe adapters [available at auto parts stores] to take you up to 2 1/2 inches), cranked my cavy up and WOW! It gave my cavy a nice deep tone. It sounds powerful without being annoying. The muffler may only be 45 dollars but by god it is built solid with a nice chrome finish. As soon as you open the box and take it out, you will know that this should cost WAY more than 45 dollars. I say get this muffler, you will not regret it!
<<Theres something addicting about a car that forces you to keep on your toes with every corner.>>
I havnt been near a computer yet so just get on you tube and search "Z24 5-105mph acceleration" typed exactly like that. My name on youtube is cody nobbs i talk a little in the video but you can hear my exhaust in the video espally during the pull it self. Let me know if ya find it

I Love My J ♡
Thanks guys. I actually tried something a little different that sounded perfect.
Factory 90s-2000s era Camaro exhaust
2.5in dual 2in outlets.
I'll post pics and vid soon
2002 cavy 2.2 ecotec m62 Getrag trans
CavyHey! wrote:Now THIS is an amazing muffler!
I ordered this because one of the first reviews (not mine) said they put it on their cavalier and it sounded amazing, so I took a chance and ordered it. I got it in the mail, put in on, (you will need two pipe adapters [available at auto parts stores] to take you up to 2 1/2 inches), cranked my cavy up and WOW! It gave my cavy a nice deep tone. It sounds powerful without being annoying. The muffler may only be 45 dollars but by god it is built solid with a nice chrome finish. As soon as you open the box and take it out, you will know that this should cost WAY more than 45 dollars. I say get this muffler, you will not regret it!
Do you have a video of the exhaust? I'm interested in what it sounds like.
2002 Pontiac Sunfire SE Sedan 2.2l Ecotec 4 Speed Auto.
I removed the resonator I had after the cat and added the longest glasspack that would fit in that part of the exhaust system . I got a much lower sound and not as loud and I think it lost the rice sound . you can try that.
Philly D I would like to know why a supercharged car will never sound good? I've never heard that before? What's the reason?
2002 cavy 2.2 ecotec m62 Getrag trans
Not sure what he meant but I've heard it said that the exhaust won't matter on a supercharged car cause you won't hear it over the supercharger screaming.
2002 Pontiac Sunfire SE Sedan 2.2l Ecotec 4 Speed Auto.
Its just the way a supercharged car sounds. Not that they sound bad, but the exhaust will never sound as good as say a turbo car. I think my car sounds great but some do say its a little loud.
Supercharged 4cyls tend to be a little more raspy then a turbo car.
Turbo cars are little quieter then a supercharged because the turbo breaks up the sound as the exhaust goes though the turbo .
+1 I have the 2.25in-3.25out slant tip on my 05sunfire been there for almost a year now and rust. Little polish every wash and it shines right up. Super loud at first until you break it in. Not high pitch until you hit around 3500 rpm