OK well I just wanna see whos down for a july meet in orland well heres what i have planned if this comes through we would meet all at the orland hooters around 2 after we meet everyone we go and eat and druell over the hot girls, and for those who think hooters have nasty chick workin well ur wrong orland is known for hot girls working over here. then we would go to like oddessy fun world for some go carts or arcade i like crashing them into one another and i like drifting in them . After that we can all go and chill in a forest preserve near by and mess around and when 8:00 comes around we can go and chill at steak and shake until we get kicked out which they usally kick every one around 11:30 if the parking lot is messy and after that there is an express way a few miles down and we can all go cruiseing. OK whos down
ok guys dont mess around i need to see whos down
no hooters you are all a bunch of stupid @!#$
1. wikkymaster
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I am game but i don't know about hooters.... I got banned from the one in orland. for stiffy this really mean and rude chick on the tip.
meancav01 wrote:I am game but i don't know about hooters.... I got banned from the one in orland. for stiffy this really mean and rude chick on the tip.
Dude, that's why you tip one penny when they're rude and shytezers.
I'm down for it. 8-9 is obviously no-go b/c of J-Bash, and I'm gone from the 19-24 (Tu-Mo) for Country Thunder
I'll be at country thunder to
this is not a deffinet im see whos is interested in going if there is not enough people that who r interested forget it
^^ Dude, learn ENGLISH!! Leave the Engrish to William Hung man!! lol. From what I can tell, you meant to say "The meet is not definet (sp?) yet. I'm trying to find out if there's enough interest." haha. Like I said before, I'll be gone from Tu 19 - Mo 24 for Country Thunder and Darkstars will prolly be gone same days, or maybe 20-23? Also 8-9 is J-Bash and since it's in Indy, a lot of Chi-town people will be there (last year less Chi's went b/c it was in Ohio)
Darkstars wrote:I'll be at country thunder to 

/Ronnie C "Let's party like rockstars!"

Gonna be a fun time, tons of big names gonna be there

What areas are you in? General, Reserved, or VIP? I ended up going Gen for camping and seating b/c I called after Res was sold out

Lemme know when you're goin' up there, I'm trying to organize a convoy w/ people from MySpace (I'm in all the major Country & Redneck groups on there)
not sure when were going free tickets from Jiffy Lube

so I'm assuming its general seating, for one day not the whole thing. Its just me and the woman going
I c. I would tell ya to look for the black cowboy hat to find me, but I know there'll *only* be like thousands of cowboy/cowgirl hats there, haha.
So exactly who is down for a july meet?
me me me
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come on lets do this
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It will be sometime end of july, earlie aug.
I would go but i have NOPI in st. louis the 25th
I will be down. I don't mind showing off the new upgrades on my sunfire. We just need to set a date.