Just a reminder because people always have a hard time showing up when they claim they are going to.
01. Darkstars - hot dogs and buns and a case of pop
Mrs. Darkstars and possibly her cusin and friend
02. Andix
03. Skill13
04. FatalicCAVI - Brats buns and something
05. Meacav01 - pop and snacks
06. Flaked Z-Fire - not sure yet..... food and stuff
07. Anton2586 - Food or whatever, not sure what yet +1
08. Ronnie "C"
09. Technokid (Nick)
10. J TO ENVY (Carrie) - hot dogs, buns, chips
11. Boltz22 - soda
12. magnetik297 (maybe)
13. Rated Z + a few minnisota J's (maybe)
14. Quikchk - hamburgers, cheese, buns, pop
15. wikkymaster (maybe, if he stops being a girl)
16. Dimitri (maybe)
17. Area51 (maybe)
18. Carguy05 (if he can find someone to drive out with)
19. 04ecosport (Julian) + 1
20. MeltdOwn350 aka cOdy bringin the red headed lovin
21. KEN 2.2 (maybe)
22. Mattman + 20 to 25 (its his BBQ)
were looking at about 50 people if all of you actually show up, bring friends weather they have J's or not, there will be quite a few Mazda people there along with Team altered members, about 25 from JBO ect...
a bbq july 31st in brookfeild woods..its off 31st street and first avenue (near harlem and archer couple miles off highway 55 in chicago). from 8am till close...bring what ever u wanna eat or play with and we will have grills, its a big open area with a shelter and parking for about 200 and the permit has already been secured.
Directions (asuming your coming from west of chicago)
55 towards chicago to 1st Ave
North on 1st Ave down to 31st
Left on 31st and its a 1/2 mile down
Its on the right side of the road, looks like a big open field area/forest preserve, I was told "you can't miss it unless you're retarded" so it should be preaty easy to find
hard time showing up... hehe
thats not me is it, lol
I made the last few or so
Im plus 1 so i have to have some fun on the way down, lol
01. Darkstars - hot dogs and buns and a case of pop
Mrs. Darkstars and possibly her cusin and friend
02. Andix
03. Skill13
04. FatalicCAVI - Brats buns and something
05. Meacav01 - pop and snacks
06. Flaked Z-Fire - not sure yet..... food and stuff
07. Anton2586 - Food or whatever, not sure what yet +1
08. Ronnie "C" + female, lol
09. Technokid (Nick)
10. J TO ENVY (Carrie) - hot dogs, buns, chips
11. Boltz22 - soda
12. magnetik297 (maybe)
13. Rated Z + a few minnisota J's (maybe)
14. Quikchk - hamburgers, cheese, buns, pop
15. wikkymaster (maybe, if he stops being a girl)
16. Dimitri (maybe)
17. Area51 (maybe)
18. Carguy05 (if he can find someone to drive out with)
19. 04ecosport (Julian) + 1
20. MeltdOwn350 aka cOdy bringin the red headed lovin
21. KEN 2.2 (maybe)
22. Mattman + 20 to 25 (its his BBQ)
im also plus 1
wikkymaster <<-
check out my blogs!
Gov't Auto Auction
How I Stopped Smoking
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UNLIMITED streaming online movies
01. Darkstars - hot dogs and buns and a case of pop
Mrs. Darkstars and possibly her cusin and friend
02. Andix
03. Skill13
04. FatalicCAVI - Brats buns and something
05. Meacav01 - pop and snacks
06. Flaked Z-Fire - not sure yet..... food and stuff
07. Anton2586 - Food or whatever, not sure what yet +1
08. Ronnie "C" + female, lol
09. Technokid (Nick)
10. J TO ENVY (Carrie) - hot dogs, buns, chips
11. Boltz22 - soda (maybe)
12. magnetik297 (maybe)
13. Rated Z + a few minnisota J's (maybe)
14. Quikchk - hamburgers, cheese, buns, pop
15. wikkymaster (maybe, if he stops being a girl)
16. Dimitri (maybe)
17. Area51 (maybe)
18. Carguy05 (if he can find someone to drive out with)
19. 04ecosport (Julian) + 1
20. MeltdOwn350 aka cOdy bringin the red headed lovin
21. KEN 2.2 (maybe)
22. Mattman + 20 to 25 (its his BBQ)
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
@!#$!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant make it!!!!!!!
Damnit all to hell........ My @!#$ car is retarded...

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
sweeet we have a yes to a maybe and a I can't come.... slowly but sure the number of peopel who say then are gonna come drops.... then tommarow when the time actually comes to show up about 1/2 of the people who still claim they are going will show up
I will be going for sure now
01. Darkstars - hot dogs and buns and a case of pop
Mrs. Darkstars and possibly her cusin and friend
02. Andix
03. Skill13
04. FatalicCAVI - Brats buns and something
05. Meacav01 - pop and snacks
06. Flaked Z-Fire - not sure yet..... food and stuff
07. Anton2586 - Food or whatever, not sure what yet +1
08. Ronnie "C" + female, lol
09. Technokid (Nick)
10. J TO ENVY (Carrie) - hot dogs, buns, chips
11. Boltz22 - soda (maybe)
12. magnetik297 (maybe)
13. Rated Z + a few minnisota J's (maybe)
14. Quikchk - hamburgers, cheese, buns, pop
15. wikkymaster (maybe, if he stops being a girl)
16. Dimitri (maybe)
17. Area51 (maybe)
18. Carguy05 (if he can find someone to drive out with)
19. 04ecosport (Julian) + 1
20. MeltdOwn350 aka cOdy bringin the red headed lovin
21. KEN 2.2 (maybe)
22. Mattman + 20 to 25 (its his BBQ)
yea me and another kid riding along will be there for sure, im goin camping tonight though so i probably wont get there till around noon im hoping
wikkymaster <<-
check out my blogs!
Gov't Auto Auction
How I Stopped Smoking
Easy online cash
UNLIMITED streaming online movies
Alright, I am not sure who all will be coming with me, if any, but I am gonna leave here around 10, so that puts me there around 1. I might get some motivation earlier, but I doubt it. I will, however, be there.
Mattman (Blue Mazda P5 from Team Altered, he was with me and cheesecake and Ken96Z at HIN) got the permit he said he will be there bright and early
i won't be making the trip. just got home from import wars and i'm about to crash. haven't gotten any sleep since thursday. so even if i set my alarm i'll just end up sleeping right through it. sorry. i'm gonna make it down there sometime this year.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
HELLL yea I am going to be there with my girlfriend. I got home early this moring around 5am. So I should be there around 12 noon. I wont have my car though cause its under the knife tho.
ok, so i just woke up..... i'm sure some idiot is gonna call me today at some point
but.... i won't be makin it
I had a family emergency last night and I just got home from spending the night at the hospital....my god son had an extremely high fever n was pretty sick so me n his mom were there all night and I need to get some sleep....I hope everyone has a great time and I'm sooooooooo sorry that I couldn't make it out there, I really wanted to!
****new sig coming soon!!!**** (hopefully)lol
"I'm the girl your mother warned you about" te he he
well we had about 30 people, not a single form person from out of state showed up along with a group of 10 mazda's that said they'd be there, about 1/2 the list show up maybe a bit more...
It started off slow but it was a REALLY good time, Matt uncle showed up and brought a generator and boom box with an ipod hookup, we played bags, had an adventure building out $5 grills, softball game, looks of food lots of fun once it got past noon there were quite a few people and alot going. I'd say this has been one of the better meets we've had in a long time.
The meet was awesome, i enjoyed myself. Couldn't have been a nicer day.....thank god for the shelter.
It was GREAT to see everyone