I have a magnaflow camero muffler. Two outs and one in. I have a magnaflow hi flow cat w co2. A 2.5 in out 18" polished resonator, two circular tips polished! Shoot me some offers. I am located in Omaha, NE.
Prices: Tips (both) 27$ shipped
18" Resonator 45 Shipped
Cat 55$ Shipped
Muffler 85$ Shipped
how big is the in and outlet of the cat?
2.340 - 60,
16.591 @ 80.52 - 1/4
the cat inlet outlet is 2.25"
tips are sold! willing to go 80 shipped on the muffler
from ZeroAccess on CarAudioforum.com
"Hey Came in thanks a ton!!!!
Looks great!!"
I am a decent guy when it comes to sellin stuff
... Still got everything except the Tips are Pending Sale due to recieving a money order.
comon i got more references! this stuff is good