Because of Rain im changing the track date. The 20th and 21st were forcasted to rain ALL DAY
. ALSO the Halloween havoc is going on so it will be good times for ALL.
Lets all get together for one last track day at GLD on the 27th. Im thinking we should make it a all day thing. Grill out and such. The 27th is Halloween havoc and they are open from 9am to ?? as well as having fun racing.
If anyone that thinks they are coming has a shelter like this could they please bring it, it makes a big difference for those not racing if it happens to be really sunny out.
Vincent Morris wrote:or really cold...
More cold = more power (enter Tim Allen grunt)
So I take it this is going to be the replacement/fusion from Anthony's idea of an end of October meet? I guess I would be up for this.
"Youth in Asia"...I don't see anything wrong with that.
lol good call down and making the g/f come with this one I will be in town for...let's hope she's still in one piece lol. After MI who knows how she'll be running.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
@!#$ the posts are all screwed up i suggest just going to North Central and using that post.