MMS Lambo Doors (3 months old, brand new shocks) $400 shipped
2003 Cavalier LS Sport Front Bumper in Arrival Blue $125 pick up preferred
Stock Exhaust Header 2.2 Ecotec $40 shipped
Stock Charcoal color Cavalier seats in good condition. $125 w/ brackets (pickup only) or just pm me for more information.
if anyone needs a stock exhaust manifold there is one laying in the woodchips next to the front door of my house.... Free to whoever wants to come get it.
Darkstars wrote:if anyone needs a stock exhaust manifold there is one laying in the woodchips next to the front door of my house.... Free to whoever wants to come get it.
* insert redneck music here*
Where are you at exactly? I could kinda use that front bumper...