Hey guys, yup for once I need some parts. Im looking for the impact absorber from a 03+ cavalier (the foam piece), all bumper brackets for the front, and the hood striker ( the u shaped piece on the hood itself). Im in need of them asap so If you have them, and are willing to part ways with them, please let me know. I already have the steel bar for the front, just not the foam piece, and none of the bumper brackets, and I need them. I went to a 03 front and it is just not lining up and I dont have any of that at all. So if you have them, let me know!! Thanks!!!
Really?!?!!? Can you get me a shipping quote to 60641, and a price you want for all that??
Dude thats fine. Any ideas what you want for the stuff. Like i said, im in need of this stuff since I went from a sunfire front to the 03 I have nothing to support the bumper so anything you think ill need please let me know. Get me a price on what you want for it, and this way Ill know if I can do it friday (payday). Thanks a ton man!!!
Ok, I can do the 45 plus shipping. I need the stuff so im not too worried. And I have been reading that you can use the 00 latch itself just gotta swap the striker. If thats not the case, i know they had 3 of them at the yard not too far from me, and all of them still had the latch so no worries. Thanks again man, ur a huge life saver!
Lol, yeah thats fine. The sooner the better. I already cracked the front bumper so the sooner I get the support and such I can get the bumper repaired. So yeah, thanks again man!
Updates?????? Dont mean to sound like im rushing, but I really need this stuff man. Thanks.
Hey matt, any word on if you shipped them yet?? Shoot me a text or whatnot, thanks!!
I need a passenger side fender for an 03 as well as a starter if anyone has one.
Hey wade, u know any front fender from 95+ will fit, just on the 95-99 you have to cut the bracket off, and the 00-05 fenders are exactly the same. Not sayin u dont but just incase ya know. and too bad u dont live closer to me, i have huge hook ups on body parts and would have been able to get u one for like 35 bucks brand new.
I did not know that. I thought they were different.
oh lol. yeah there all the same just like i said the only diffrence in them.is.the.95-99 have the turn signal bracket welded onto the fender, but if you cut that off bracket it will work on any year cavalier. the real changes were really only the bumpers, headlights, and 03-05 had a diffrent shape hood around the lights and thats it.
i also am in need of a front foam piece. is that the only thing i need to support the middle???
redeco yes thats all u need for the center but there are little L brackets that hold the bumper to that piece that hold up the top of the bumper itself.