on the 29 of may at great lakes dragaway, in union grove wi there is going to be someing called import warz. basicly import cars racing. well since my car doesn't run 12.99 ir better i am going to just run time runs. i wanted to know if any body was going out there this sunday?
that is their website
heh yea looks like ill be there... compotition is EXTREMELY HARD so ye adriving from IL to lose sucks but oh welllll....Only wish I had my stuff done to the car .. but it will be all done for HIN
Team Altered Car Club
I will be there supporting those from the team showing. I just picked up the car tonight so I have some work to do to get it show ready. Its just had the motor replaced from blowing up in April
gotta work or I'd be there, I'm always up for racing at gld
AREA 51 wrote:I will be there supporting those from the team showing. I just picked up the car tonight so I have some work to do to get it show ready. Its just had the motor replaced from blowing up in April
damnnn you lol stay home ... its bad enough me going up again darkstars .. jazz.. ryan.. and the red cav with lambos now you too ??? grrr lol
Team Altered Car Club
/\ red cav w/lambos is Jaimie. He's in EDI with ryan.
Hubbard might be there too. he just got his rimmies in.
I'm tellin' Uncle Ben!! You stole his RICE!!
"premiere cavalier" coming soon to a street near you!!
well weather is looking REALLY IFFY ... and thats a long drive to get rained on ..
Team Altered Car Club
my car isnt show ready right now. It will take me a bit to get it there. I was just going but on the way home last night I caught an engine light warning and voila....now its up on jack stands and I am staying home to fix it.
^^ damn that sucks ... hope ya get it back on the road asap..
Did anyone here get any pics of my car from the show by chance? I totally forgot my cam this morning sooo yea im looking to find pics please
Team Altered Car Club
Ken96Z wrote:Did anyone here get any pics of my car from the show by chance? I totally forgot my cam this morning sooo yea im looking to find pics please
i got a bunch. they will be up on
http://www.streetdragonmagazine.com shortly.

2002 Toyota Celica GT
we've been waitin' for Kilo to post th epics of like, 4 other shows... so don't hold your breath.
I'm tellin' Uncle Ben!! You stole his RICE!!
"premiere cavalier" coming soon to a street near you!!
it got rained out, so i am going next month
I saw ur car there but I couldn't find u at all around. I didn't have my car there, I had the van w a keg in the back, te he he. I saw u run a few times, how'd ya do??
****new sig coming soon!!!**** (hopefully)lol
"I'm the girl your mother warned you about" te he he
i run a high high high 16, almost a 17, then i ran a 16.3 ish. i almost beat a honda accord , if my r/t was high i would have beat him or if it was a 100 ft longer lol. i can't find the slip but i think i lost by .05 ish. if i wasn't racing i was buy the show cars.
but i think that people should come out for the one at the end of june. the last sunday of the month. i have a rain check so i am going then
i had the idea of making a meet out of this , who wants to come???
1. RAKSJ04 (rick) 04 cavalier, slow as your grandma
I'll be there with my team, the cavy will be there as well, yay!!! So I guess you could count me in, lol
1. RAKSJ04 (rick) 04 cavalier, slow as your grandma
2. Quikchk (Heather) 99 cavy, will be showing
****new sig coming soon!!!**** (hopefully)lol
"I'm the girl your mother warned you about" te he he
Would like to go, but don't really want to kill the car one week before the bash

With my luck i would much another tranny, and have to work my a$$ off putting a new one in before i left for the bash. I might just come to hang though, we will c.
'98 Z24 15.0 1/4 all motor
Member of <a href="http://www.wisconsin-js.com"> Wisc_Jbodies</a>
Dugan wrote:Would like to go, but don't really want to kill the car one week before the bash
With my luck i would much another tranny, and have to work my a$$ off putting a new one in before i left for the bash. I might just come to hang though, we will c.
whats all this 'I' sheit????? I think the most work you've done on that car is when you washed it yesterday!!!!!! but yea...... you break it again, you fix it
We'll see if we can make it, car or not.
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap