well i'm in the progress of getting my interior done. i'm looking for any and all plastic pieces for the interior. i'm just getting another set of interior pieces so that i can keep my dash i have stock incase i need to sell it that way and incase i screw up on the painting. the only pieces i don't need are the glove box cover and the piece that goes up and around the gauges, HVAC, and radio.
so if anyone has any pieces please let me know which ones, what color they are, and where you live. all the pieces need to be able to fit in a 99 cavalier by the way. thanks.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
does it matter if there painted....etc...or do you need stock pieces
ill have an entire cav dash soon as i swap over my sunfire dash into my cav
i was at the rio junkyard and they only charged $2 a peice for all the vents and end caps on the dash
96 cavi'/WI j's
dude go to bismanonline.com and look under parts for automotive some guy is sellin his cav he wrecked for ''an offer'' in bismarck. might wanna check it out
I'm doin the same thing...saving the originals so if i ever sell the car....what i've been doin is just goin to salvage yards and checkin em out every once in a while....and then it doesn't matter what color interior it came out of cuz they get painted anyways....good luck with your search