I have some cf tails for sale, clear euro altezza's, gtr battle wing with/without trunk lid, oem spolier with/without trunk lid, 14" american racing rims with tires(already mounted and balanced), 03 OEM cd player, OEM 01 Hood, Razzi rear bumper with single outlet, CAI for 2000+ 2.2 only. I do have pictures of everything, so let me know if you want them. Please help me out and buy parts from me! I have aol too, so if you want to contact me on AIM...my sn is Beefcake2003 or you can email me at Beefcake2003@aol.com
Everything is a must go so offer me something and it's yours!!
Thanks much!
Could it be Team Rush????
Hey.. how much for the GTR with and without trunk lid ?? I just got a job so it would be a couple weeks, but im def. interested.
talk to me on AIM and we can discuss it....id rather not ship it out due to the size...it would just cost much more that way.....but lets figure somthing out....id even be willing to drive to meet you somewhere if you are willing to do the same...
Could it be EDI SPRING 05???
what would you want for either the c/f or clear tails?
96 cavi'/WI j's
clear tails are sold....would you do 75 for the cf tails? i currently have the offer of 85 shipped but i rather not have the hassle of shipping...let me know what you think
Could it be EDI SPRING 06???
Email me a picture of the CD player and how much are you askin for it? I'm looking for a new one mine is all F**ked up lol .... tanya185602@yahoo.com ... thanks