anyone know of these guys? was wondering what type of people they are and if it's worth my time applying to them. I'm more just looking for a group where I can just hang out, go to a few shows, and cruise with. Something where I don't need to spend buttloads of money on my ride. I have other more important things to spend my money on (cost of living and the kid thats on the way). If anyone has any insight in this group please let me know. thanks.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
Never heard of them....
Read, then process the info, think logically, than if you don't have a headache afterwards, post your response
Never heard of them either but if you are looking into a club and dont want to spend a ton of money then there are 5 to consider. Either team is going to cost you about $45 to $90 and that is mostly the cost of the team shirt. I know, I know you want to be a part of a group but, not a financial burden or have to do a ton. Car clubs arent a burden, yes it costs to get in but look at what you get. The 5 clubs in our area are Team GMCI, TEAM RUSH, EDI Projektz, Concept R and Team Advancement these are the ones I consider to be the standard to which a "team" is measured in no particular order.
Any club you get into are going to be bigger than a 5 person deal. The advantage of a larger club is the competition and ideas are there and with more people the likely hood of someone being out is much greater. If you have a smaller club and only 2 people cruise then whats the point in joining?. If you aren't taking your car to that level then TEAM RUSH is the best option because they have a street team. There arent any dues but you are required to get a shirt which is $90.
As for the free teams? I dont know of many and I dont want to speak on someones team who I know nothing of. That would be retarded.
Ken96z has a club i dont know if its in WI or not? check him out
dont know if that helps or not, thought I would share. one of those teams might fit your needs?
I know I am horing this up....sorry I'll stop but, I kinda contradicted myself I dont know if it costs anything at all to join Concept R
$90 friggin dollars for a shirt?
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yeah. its the embroidered show shirts. Kinda like the bowling shirts but thicker. Some team can get them at a lower cost. I have heard some teams have them at $45 but us and team rush have them priced around there
Damn, does it make you fly too?
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[quote=AREA 51
Ken96z has a club i dont know if its in WI or not? check him out
Yea we have something going on in IL and sourhtern WI but we do have certian car requirements to get on the team I dono if I talked to you about that or not
Team Altered Car Club
hey Kelly, Do you think my car is done up enough to get in to Team GMCI ? Only prob for me is I work to much and have no free time... but you already know that lol

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
The first thing you would want to do is come out and show with us. Just hang out and see if thats what you want to do. Then you can decide on your own if you have the time. Just looking at how you work now, I dont know if financially it would be worth it but, we will see. As for the car, I'll have to see it in person again and see where its at.
guys, the fee's are normal.. especially on GMCI, for all the stuff you get, for all the sponsorship deals, show discounts, etc, paying the 45$ due (if that's what it is) is NOTHING in comparison to what you'll be saving throughout the year.
Team Rush, from what i understand from their site, you have to do at least 2 major mods to your car each year... that kept me from joining cuz i didn't wanna do anymore to my car.
Kelly- I know where your banner is, and I can give it to you whenever you have time to meet up w/me.
I'm tellin' Uncle Ben!! You stole his RICE!!
"premiere cavalier" coming soon to a street near you!!
X-evo wrote:guys, the fee's are normal.. especially on GMCI, for all the stuff you get, for all the sponsorship deals, show discounts, etc, paying the 45$ due (if that's what it is) is NOTHING in comparison to what you'll be saving throughout the year.
Team Rush, from what i understand from their site, you have to do at least 2 major mods to your car each year... that kept me from joining cuz i didn't wanna do anymore to my car.
Kelly- I know where your banner is, and I can give it to you whenever you have time to meet up w/me.
call me anytime, I'll come get it somewhere 262-206-3447