Hey everyone, I have a few things I need to sell asap. I'm located in Bismarck, North Dakota.
-Koni reds w/ eibach sportline springs- used for about 3500 miles- $500 obo w/ exchanged for stock struts
-18" ADR GT-Sports w/ 225/40/18 Kuhmo 712 Ecsta's Supras- used for about 4000 miles-$750 obo
-Rksport Streetfire bumper- half dollar size hole on bottom back part of lip that is not visible if bumper is on, bumper is not painted, urethane- $200 obo
-Rksport Original Replacement Bumper- bought from ben at tabasco racing, couple surface cracks that can be filled with a high build primer, fiberglass- $200 obo
I need to get rid of all this asap, because my car just got hailed out and I am selling it to a local person that wants a work car. If interested, please e-mail me at black_fire1996@hotmail.com . I would prefer to have the parts picked up, or I am willing to drive a resonable distance to meet. Thanks for your time
sup bro..havn't talked to you in a while..
..but have a couple buddies interested in the rims, suspension, and the streetfire bumper~
hit me up at LJLisows4515@webmail.winona.edu
..i'll be out of town till tuesday...but we'll maybe be able to work something out~
hey man i just emailed you, just get back to me whenever your back home.
pics of the rims would be nice
'spit chew hits soldiers boot'
"thats a real nasty habit you got there"
"this stuff will make you a sexual tyransaur just like me"
jesse the body ventura in Predator
i will post pics tomorrow after work because tonight i am helping a friend move.
I want pics of the rims 2 if they're still for sale
if it ain't broke...MAKE IT GO FASTER
if any other pics are needed just ask!
anyone still interested? prices are negioable so that i get rid of all this before i leave to college in three weeks. just no low ball offers please.
I would take the struts....
and springs? where are you located?
Im In Illinois....I already have B and G Springs....would you be willing to part with just the struts?
ah sorry dude i really need to find someone from round here so i can swap them for their oem struts before i leave to college.
A,) where are you located im in MN if your close enough ill take the springs and struts swap for stock
hey man im located in bismarck north dakota, its bout 2 and half hours to the MN border. where are u located in MN? how soon would you be able to get them?
Blackfire wrote:hey man im located in bismarck north dakota, its bout 2 and half hours to the MN border. where are u located in MN? how soon would you be able to get them?
so your willing to trade stock struts and springs for the sportlines and konis??
if so I have my stock ones also I'll trade so I can have a back up suspension if mine ever fails in ANY way???
CAN PICK IT UP on thursday when I come..let me know~
im lookin to get 500 and stock struts but my prices are negioable i need to get rid of all this asap! id drop the price on the struts to 475 obo. ill take 725 for the wheels also. thanks guys.
the streetfire is sold, the fiberglass replacement is still available
BoltZ22 wrote:2k cavy wrote:Bumper is SOLD
your buddy with the silver fire? and which bumper?
yeah I talked him into it...the streetfire bumper

He doesn't have the rest of the kit yet, but HEY, its a start!!
hey man i appreciate you guys picking up the bumper. you guys are nuts! thats a lonnnnggg drive to do in one day! but thanks again and maybe ill see you guys again sometime.
make an offer on anythign!
still have the konis, springs, rims, and bumper!